Rüdiger Hahn
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Determinants of Sustainability Reporting: A Review of Results, Trends, Theory, and Opportunities in an Expanding Field of Research
R Hahn, M Kühnen
Journal of Cleaner Production 45, 5-21, 2013
Legitimizing Negative Aspects in GRI-Oriented Sustainability Reporting: A Qualitative Analysis of Corporate Disclosure Strategies
R Hahn, R Lülfs
Journal of Business Ethics 123 (3), 401-420, 2014
Organizations, Climate Change, and Transparency: Reviewing the Literature on Carbon Disclosure
R Hahn, D Reimsbach, F Schiemann
Organization & Environment 28 (1), 80-102, 2015
Sustainable Supply Chain Management in 'Base of the Pyramid' Food Projects – A Path to Triple Bottom Line Approaches for Multinationals?
S Gold, R Hahn, S Seuring
International Business Review 22 (5), 784-799, 2013
ISO 26000 and the Standardization of Strategic Management Processes for Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility
R Hahn
Business Strategy and the Environment 22 (7), 442-455, 2012
Integrated Reporting and Assurance of Sustainability Information: An Experimental Study on Professional Investors’ Information Processing
D Reimsbach, R Hahn, A Gürtürk
European Accounting Review 27 (3), 559-581, 2018
The ethical rational of business for the poor–integrating the concepts bottom of the pyramid, sustainable development, and corporate citizenship
R Hahn
Journal of Business Ethics 84 (3), 313-324, 2009
Understanding Collaborative Consumption: An Extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior with Value-Based Personal Norms
R Hahn, D Roos
Journal of Business Ethics 158 (3), 679–697, 2019
Corporate Greening beyond Formal Programs, Initiatives, and Systems: A Conceptual Model for Voluntary Pro-environmental Behavior of Employees
R Lülfs, R Hahn
European Management Review 10 (2), 83-98, 2013
An empirical assessment of assurance statements in sustainability reports: Smoke screens or enlightening information?
A Gürtürk, R Hahn
Journal of Cleaner Production 136 (Part A), 30-41, 2016
Indicators in social life cycle assessment: A review of frameworks, theories, and empirical experience
M Kühnen, R Hahn
Journal of Industrial Ecology 21 (6), 1547-1565, 2017
Resources and Governance in ‘Base of the Pyramid’ Partnerships: Assessing Collaborations between Businesses and Non-Business Actors
R Hahn, S Gold
Journal of Business Research 67 (7), 1321-1333, 2014
Does shared consumption affect consumers' values, attitudes, and norms? A panel study
D Roos, R Hahn
Journal of Business Research 77, 113-123, 2017
Transnational Governance, Deliberative Democracy, and the Legitimacy of ISO 26000: Analyzing the Case of a Global Multistakeholder Process
R Hahn, C Weidtmann
Business & Society 55 (1), 90-129, 2012
Business model design in sustainable entrepreneurship: Illuminating the commercial logic of hybrid businesses
R Hahn, P Spieth, I Ince
Journal of Cleaner Production 176, 439-451, 2018
Sustainable Behavior in the Business Sphere–a Comprehensive Overview of the Explanatory Power of Psychological Models
R Lülfs, R Hahn
Organization & Environment 27 (1), 43-64, 2014
The effects of negative incidents in sustainability reporting on investors’ judgments - An experimental study of third-party versus self-disclosure in the realm of sustainable …
D Reimsbach, R Hahn
Business Strategy and the Environment 24 (4), 217-235, 2013
Inclusive business, human rights and the dignity of the poor: a glance beyond economic impacts of adapted business models
R Hahn
Business Ethics: A European Review 21 (1), 47-63, 2012
Standardizing Social Responsibility? New Perspectives on Guidance Documents and Management System Standards for Sustainable Development
R Hahn
IEEE - Transactions on Engineering Management 59 (4), 717-727, 2012
Constituents and Characteristics of Hybrid Businesses: A Qualitative, Empirical Framework
R Hahn, I Ince
Journal of Small Business Management 54 (S1), 33-52, 2016
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