Erika Matulich
Erika Matulich
Professor of Marketing, The University of Tampa
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A model of consumers' preventive health behaviors: The role of health motivation and health ability
C Moorman, E Matulich
Journal of consumer research 20 (2), 208-228, 1993
Green advertising and environmentally responsible consumer behaviors: Linkages examined
DL Haytko, E Matulich
Journal of management and marketing research 1, 2, 2008
Building customer value and profitability with business ethics
RC McMurrian, E Matulich
Journal of Business & Economics Research 14 (3), 2016
Continuous improvement through teaching innovations: A requirement for today's learners
E Matulich, R Papp, DL Haytko
Marketing Education Review 18 (1), 1-7, 2008
The influence of triad nations' environments on price-quality product strategies and MNC performance
LE Brouthers, S Werner, E Matulich
Journal of International Business Studies 31, 39-62, 2000
Negotiating the deal: Using technology to reach the millennials
R Papp, E Matulich
Journal of Behavioral Studies in Business 4, 1, 2011
Teach me in the way I learn: Education and the internet generation
R Baker, E Matulich, R Papp
Journal of College Teaching & Learning 4 (4), 27-32, 2007
Google: Searching for value
R Kuntze, E Matulich
Journal of Case Research in Business and Economics 2, 1, 2010
Exploring worldwide collecting consumption behaviors
BA Lafferty, E Matulich, MX Liu
Journal of International Business and Cultural Studies 8, 1, 2014
An international look at attitude towards advertising, brand considerations, and market expertise: United States, China, and India
H Hilliard, E Matulich, D Haytko, H Rustogi
Journal of International Business Research 11 (1), 29, 2012
Moving from dumb to smart classrooms: Technology options and implementation issues
C Skipton, E Matulich, R Papp, J Stepro
Journal of College Teaching & Learning (TLC) 3 (6), 2006
Exploring cognitive bias in entrepreneurial startup failure
R Kuntze, E Matulich
Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal 22 (2), 54, 2016
The rise and fall of virtual reality retailing in Second Life: an avatar's perspective
R Kuntze, TR Crudele, D Reynolds, E Matulich
Journal of Management and Marketing Research 13, 1, 2013
To learn or not to learn: The effect of educational technology on learning in accounting courses
B Lippincott, E Matulich, K Squires
Journal of College Teaching & Learning (TLC) 3 (12), 2006
Consumers’ perceptions of cause-related marketing: does the importance of the cause matter
BA Lafferty, E Matulich
Marketing advances in pedagogy, process, and philosophy, 217-20, 2002
Assessing password threats: Implications for formulating university password policies
M Walters, E Matulich
Journal of Technology Research 2, 1, 2011
International educational ethics: Asia, South Pacific, Europe, Canada and Latin America
H Hilliard, T Crudele, E Matulich, R McMurrian
Journal of Academic and Business Ethics 3, 1, 2011
„Measuring attitudes toward green advertising and consumers’ environmentally responsible behaviors”
E Matulich, DL Haytko, JR Austin
Proceedings of the american marketing association educators’ conference …, 1995
The conceptualization and measurement of consumer attitudes toward advertising in general
DL Haytko, E Matulich
Marketing theory and applications 4, 411-420, 1993
Army of one? Marketing battle for recruits
E Matulich, D Dixon, J Atkins, E Cece, S Drechsel
Journal of Business Cases and Applications 14, 1-9, 2015
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