Wayne A. Kelly
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The omega library interface guide
W Kelly, V Maslov, W Pugh, E Rosser, T Shpeisman, D Wonnacott
University of Maryland at College Park, 1995
Code generation for multiple mappings
W Kelly, W Pugh, E Rosser
Proceedings Frontiers' 95. The Fifth Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively …, 1995
A framework for unifying reordering transformations
W Kelly, W Pugh
Digital Repository at the University of Maryland, 1998
Transitive closure of infinite graphs and its applications
W Kelly, W Pugh, E Rosser, T Shpeisman
International Journal of Parallel Programming 24, 579-598, 1996
Migrating enterprise legacy source code to microservices: on multitenancy, statefulness, and data consistency
A Furda, C Fidge, O Zimmermann, W Kelly, A Barros
Ieee Software 35 (3), 63-72, 2017
A unifying framework for iteration reordering transformations
W Kelly, W Pugh
Proceedings 1st International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for …, 1995
A comparison of supervised machine learning algorithms for classification of communications network traffic
P Perera, YC Tian, C Fidge, W Kelly
Neural Information Processing: 24th International Conference, ICONIP 2017 …, 2017
Optimization within a unified transformation framework
WA Kelly
University of Maryland, College Park, 1996
Minimizing communication while preserving parallelism
W Kelly, W Plugh
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Supercomputing, 52-60, 1996
Finding legal reordering transformations using mappings
W Kelly, W Pugh
International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing …, 1994
Apparatus and method for minimizing the generation of particles in ultrapure liquids
W Kelly, D Chilcote
US Patent 7,188,644, 2007
The Omega calculator and library, version 1.1. 0
W Kelly, V Maslov, W Pugh, E Rosser, T Shpeisman, D Wonnacott
College Park, MD 20742, 18, 1996
New user interface for Petit and other extensions
W Kelly, V Maslov, W Pugh, E Rosser, T Shpeisman, D Wonnacott
User Guide 1, 996, 1996
The Omega calculator and library
W Kelly, V Maslov, W Pugh, E Rosser, T Shpeisman, D Wonnacott
Technical report, University of Maryland, 1996
Determining schedules based on performance estimation
W Kelly, W Pugh
University of Maryland, 1993
CoreVA-MPSoC: A many-core architecture with tightly coupled shared and local data memories
J Ax, G Sievers, J Daberkow, M Flasskamp, M Vohrmann, T Jungeblut, ...
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 29 (5), 1030-1043, 2017
The omega library
W Kelly, V Maslov, W Pugh, E Rosser, T Shpeisman, D Wonnacott
Technical report, University of Maryland.[110], 1996
G2-p2p: a fully decentralised fault-tolerant cycle-stealing framework
R Mason, W Kelly
Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology, Volume 44 …, 2005
The omega library version 1.1. 0 interface guide
W Kelly, V Maslov, W Pugh, E Rosser, T Shpeisman, D Wonnacott
Technical report, University of Maryland, College Park, 1996
G2: A grid middleware for cycle donation using. net
W Kelly, P Roe, J Sumitomo
Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed …, 2002
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