Niels Modler
Niels Modler
Professor für funktionsintegrativen Leichtbau, Technische Universität Dresden
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Thermoplastic fibre metal laminates: Stiffness properties and forming behaviour by means of deep drawing
T Wollmann, M Hahn, S Wiedemann, A Zeiser, J Jaschinski, N Modler, ...
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 18 (2), 442-450, 2018
Design and testing of composite compressor blades with focus on the vibration behaviour
T Wollmann, N Modler, M Dannemann, A Langkamp, S Nitschke, ...
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 92, 183-189, 2017
A numerical analysis of an energy directing method through friction heating during the ultrasonic welding of thermoplastic composites
S Tutunjian, O Eroglu, M Dannemann, N Modler, F Fischer
Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 33 (11), 1569-1587, 2020
A control method for the ultrasonic spot welding of fiber-reinforced thermoplastic laminates through the weld-power time derivative
S Tutunjian, M Dannemann, F Fischer, O Eroğlu, N Modler
Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 3 (1), 1, 2018
Experimental Study of Advanced Helmholtz Resonator Liners with Increased Acoustic Performance by Utilising Material Damping Effects
M Dannemann, M Kucher, E Kunze, N Modler, K Knobloch, L Enghardt, ...
Applied Sciences 8 (10), 1923, 2018
Investigating the friction, wear and damage behaviour of plain bearing bushes of the variable stator vane system
T Wollmann, S Nitschke, T Klauke, T Behnisch, C Ebert, R Füßel, ...
Tribology International 165, 107280, 2022
Numerical and Experimental Characterization of Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastic Composite Structures with Embedded Piezoelectric Sensor-Actuator Arrays for Ultrasonic Applications
K Holeczek, E Starke, A Winkler, M Dannemann, N Modler
Applied Sciences 6 (3), 55, 2016
Nachgiebigkeitsmechanismen aus Textilverbunden mit integrierten aktorischen Elementen
N Modler
TU Dresden, 2008
A Numerical Analysis of the Temporal and Spatial Temperature Development during the Ultrasonic Spot Welding of Fibre-Reinforced Thermoplastics
S Tutunjian, M Dannemann, N Modler, M Kucher, A Fellermayer
Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 4 (2), 30, 2020
A review of radiative heating in automated layup and its modeling
T Orth, C Weimer, M Krahl, N Modler
Zeitschrift Kunststofftechnik/Journal of Plastics Technology 13 (2), 91-125, 2017
Extension and application of dynamic mechanical analysis for the estimation of spatial distribution of material properties
P Kostka, K Holeczek, R Höhne, A Filippatos, N Modler
Polymer Testing 52, 184-191, 2016
Dry Friction Contribution to Damage‐Caused Increase of Damping in Fiber‐Reinforced Polymer‐Based Composites
K Holeczek, P Kostka, N Modler
Advanced Engineering Materials 16 (10), 1284-1292, 2014
Novel Hybrid Yarn Textile Thermoplastic Composites for Function‐Integrating Multi‐Material Lightweight Design
N Modler, W Hufenbach, C Cherif, V Ulbricht, M Gude, B Maron, D Weck, ...
Advanced Engineering Materials 18 (3), 361-368, 2016
Numerical evaluation of two-dimensional micromechanical structures of anisotropic cellular materials: case study for polyurethane rigid foams
DA Şerban, E Linul, T Voiconi, L Marşavina, N Modler
Iranian Polymer Journal 24 (6), 515-529, 2015
Function‐integrative Lightweight Engineering–Design Methods and Applications
N Modler, A Winkler, A Filippatos, D Weck, M Dannemann
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 92 (7), 949-959, 2020
Experimental investigation into static and dynamic axial crush of composite tubes of glass-fiber mat/PA6 laminates
J Kim, M Jeong, H Böhm, J Richter, N Modler
Composites Part B: Engineering 181, 107590, 2020
Optical thermal model for LED heating in thermoset-automated fiber placement
T Orth, M Krahl, P Parlevliet, N Modler
Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer & Composites Science 4 (3), 73-82, 2018
An Approach for a Mathematical Description of Human Root Canals by Means of Elementary Parameters
M Dannemann, M Kucher, J Kirsch, A Binkowski, N Modler, C Hannig, ...
Journal of endodontics 43 (4), 536-543, 2017
Investigation of Thermal Effects in Different Lightweight Constructions for Vehicular Wireless Power Transfer Modules
S Zimmer, M Helwig, P Lucas, A Winkler, N Modler
World Electric Vehicle Journal 11 (4), 67, 2020
Intrinsic lightweight steel-composite hybrids for structural components
N Modler, F Adam, J Maaß, P Kellner, P Knothe, M Geuther, C Irmler
Materials Science Forum 825, 401-408, 2015
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