Dr.-Ing. Steffen Hau
Dr.-Ing. Steffen Hau
Delfa Systems GmbH
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A novel dielectric elastomer membrane actuator concept for high-force applications
S Hau, G Rizzello, S Seelecke
Extreme Mechanics Letters 23, 24-28, 2018
Design and Control of a High-Speed Positioning System Based on Dielectric Elastomer Membrane Actuators
S Hau, G Rizzello, M Hodgins, A York, S Seelecke
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2017
Silicone based dielectric elastomer strip actuators coupled with nonlinear biasing elements for large actuation strains
S Hau, D Bruch, G Rizzello, P Motzki, S Seelecke
Smart Materials and Structures 27 (7), 074003, 2018
Performance prediction and scaling laws of circular dielectric elastomer membrane actuators
S Hau, A York, G Rizzello, S Seelecke
Journal of Mechanical Design, 2018
High-Force Dielectric Electroactive Polymer (DEAP) membrane actuator
S Hau, A York, S Seelecke
Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) 2016, 97980I-97980I-7, 2016
Performance prediction of circular dielectric electro-active polymers membrane actuators with various geometries
S Hau, A York, S Seelecke
Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) 2015 9430, 76-83, 2015
Fast model-based design of large stroke dielectric elastomer membrane actuators biased with pre-stressed buckled beams
D Bruch, S Hau, P Loew, G Rizzello, S Seelecke
Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) XX 10594, 62-69, 2018
Development of a high voltage source for dielectric elastomer actuators (DEA)
S Lenz, B Holz, S Hau, S Seelecke
Actuator 2018: 16th International Conference on New Actuators, 2018
Rapid prototyping and characterization of circular dielectric electro-active polymers (deap) with different geometries
S Hau, A York, S Seelecke
Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems 46155, V002T02A004, 2014
A Compact High-Force Dielectric Elastomer Membrane Actuator
S Hau, A York, S Seelecke
ACTUATOR 2016, 15th International Conference on New Actuators, At Bremen …, 2016
Design of a dielectric elastomer actuator driven pneumatic pump
P Linnebach, S Hau, G Rizzello, S Seelecke
Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) XXI 10966, 242-249, 2019
A novel design concept to boost the force output of dielectric elastomer membrane actuators
S Hau, P Linnebach, G Rizzello, S Seelecke
Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) XXI 10966, 33-39, 2019
High-Performance dielectric elastomer actuators
S Hau
Saarländische Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek, 2018
Künstliche Muskeln und Nerven in Industrie 4.0 Konzepten
P Motzki, S Hau, M Schmidt, S Seelecke
Industrie 4.0 Management 2018 (3), 38-41, 2018
Stroke Magnification in Dielectric Elastomer Actuators with Dynamic Excitation
P Linnebach, S Hau, G Rizello, P Motzki, S Seelecke
Actuator 2018: 16th International Conference on New Actuators, 2018
Intelligente Handschuhe zur Werkerunterstützung in der digitalisierten Produktion
S Gratz-Kelly, S Hau, P Motzki, S Seelecke
Technische Unterstützungssysteme, die die Menschen wirklich wollen, 59, 2018
Auslegung, Aufbau und Validierung einer mit dielektrischen Elastomeraktoren angetriebenen Pneumatikpumpe
P Linnebach, S Hau, P Motzki, S Seelecke
4Smarts, 2019
Electromechanical Fatigue Testing Device for Dielectric Elastomers under Controllable Environmental Conditions
S Hau, P Motzki, S Seelecke
Actuator 2018: 16th International Conference on New Actuators, 2018
Entwicklung einer durch dielektrische elektroaktive Polymeraktoren (DEAP) angetriebenen Hochgeschwindigkeitsmikropositionierbühne
S Hau, M Hodgins, G Rizzello, A York, S Seelecke
Mechatronik, 2015
Dielectric Transducer, Method for the Production Thereof and Actuator, Sensor or Generator
S Hau, S Lenz, P Linnebach, D Meier, S Seelecke
US Patent App. 17/767,438, 2024
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