Franz Korf
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An extension of the OMNeT++ INET framework for simulating real-time ethernet with high accuracy
T Steinbach, HD Kenfack, F Korf, TC Schmidt
Proceedings of the 4th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and …, 2011
Tomorrow's in-car interconnect? A competitive evaluation of IEEE 802.1 AVB and Time-Triggered Ethernet (AS6802)
T Steinbach, HT Lim, F Korf, TC Schmidt, D Herrscher, A Wolisz
2012 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), 1-5, 2012
Extending IEEE 802.1 AVB with time-triggered scheduling: A simulation study of the coexistence of synchronous and asynchronous traffic
P Meyer, T Steinbach, F Korf, TC Schmidt
2013 IEEE vehicular networking conference, 47-54, 2013
Comparing time-triggered Ethernet with FlexRay: An evaluation of competing approaches to real-time for in-vehicle networks
T Steinbach, F Korf, TC Schmidt
2010 IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems …, 2010
Software-defined networks supporting time-sensitive in-vehicular communication
T Hackel, P Meyer, F Korf, TC Schmidt
2019 IEEE 89th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Spring), 1-5, 2019
Real-time Ethernet for automotive applications: A solution for future in-car networks
T Steinbach, F Korf, TC Schmidt
2011 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Berlin (ICCE …, 2011
Real-time Ethernet in-car backbones: First insights into an automotive prototype
T Steinbach, K Müller, F Korf, R Röllig
2014 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), 133-134, 2014
Beware of the hidden! how cross-traffic affects quality assurances of competing real-time ethernet standards for in-car communication
T Steinbach, HT Lim, F Korf, TC Schmidt, D Herrscher, A Wolisz
2015 IEEE 40th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 1-9, 2015
Secure time-sensitive software-defined networking in vehicles
T Häckel, P Meyer, F Korf, TC Schmidt
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 72 (1), 35-51, 2022
A real-time Ethernet prototype platform for automotive applications
K Müller, T Steinbach, F Korf, TC Schmidt
2011 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Berlin (ICCE …, 2011
A QoS aware approach to service-oriented communication in future automotive networks
M Cakır, T Häckel, S Reider, P Meyer, F Korf, TC Schmidt
2019 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), 1-8, 2019
Performance analysis of time-triggered ether-networks using off-the-shelf-components
F Bartols, T Steinbach, F Korf, TC Schmidt
2011 14th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented …, 2011
Object tracking and dynamic estimation on evidential grids
R Jungnickel, F Korf
17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2014
SDN4CoRE: A simulation model for software-defined networking for communication over real-time ethernet
T Häckel, P Meyer, F Korf, TC Schmidt
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.09649, 2019
A hardware/software co-design approach for Ethernet controllers to support time-triggered traffic in the upcoming IEEE TSN standards
F Groß, T Steinbach, F Korf, TC Schmidt, B Schwarz
2014 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Consumer Electronics Berlin …, 2014
Simulation of mixed critical in-vehicular networks
P Meyer, F Korf, T Steinbach, TC Schmidt
Recent Advances in Network Simulation: The OMNeT++ Environment and its …, 2019
Efficient automotive grid maps using a sensor ray based refinement process
R Jungnickel, M Köhler, F Korf
2016 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 668-675, 2016
Network anomaly detection in cars based on time-sensitive ingress control
P Meyer, T Häckel, F Korf, TC Schmidt
2020 IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Fall), 1-5, 2020
Software stacks for mixed-critical applications: Consolidating IEEE 802.1 AVB and time-triggered ethernet in next-generation automotive electronics
S Rumpf, T Steinbach, F Korf, TC Schmidt
2014 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Consumer Electronics Berlin …, 2014
Requirements analysis and performance evaluation of SDN controllers for automotive use cases
R Rotermund, T Häckel, P Meyer, F Korf, TC Schmidt
2020 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), 1-8, 2020
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