The think aloud method: a practical approach to modelling cognitive M Van Someren, YF Barnard, J Sandberg London: AcademicPress 11 (6), 1994 | 2745 | 1994 |
Mobile English learning: An evidence-based study with fifth graders J Sandberg, M Maris, K De Geus Computers & Education 57 (1), 1334-1347, 2011 | 590 | 2011 |
From thesaurus to ontology BJ Wielinga, AT Schreiber, J Wielemaker, JAC Sandberg Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Knowledge capture, 194-201, 2001 | 223 | 2001 |
Where is education heading and how about AI J Andriessen, J Sandberg International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 10 (2), 130-150, 1999 | 192 | 1999 |
The added value of a gaming context and intelligent adaptation for a mobile learning application for vocabulary learning J Sandberg, M Maris, P Hoogendoorn Computers & Education 76, 119-130, 2014 | 190 | 2014 |
Methods and techniques for knowledge management: what has knowledge engineering to offer? B Wielinga, J Sandberg, G Schreiber Expert Systems with Applications 13 (1), 73-84, 1997 | 129 | 1997 |
Deep learning is difficult J Sandberg, Y Barnard Instructional Science 25 (1), 15-36, 1997 | 83 | 1997 |
The think aloud method MW van Someren, YF Barnard, JAC Sandberg A Practical Guide to Modeling Cognitive Processes, 1994, 2004 | 57 | 2004 |
A practical guide to modelling cognitive processes MW Van Someren, YF Barnard, JAC Sandberg London: Academic Press, 1994 | 54 | 1994 |
" Viewpoint:" Situated Cognition: A Paradigm Shift? J Sandberg, B Wielinga Journal of Interactive Learning Research 3 (2), 129, 1992 | 46 | 1992 |
A shell for intelligent help systems J Breuker, R Winkels, J Sandberg Proceedings of the 10th international joint conference on Artificial …, 1987 | 46 | 1987 |
Educational paradigms: issues and trends J Sandberg Proceedings of the IFIP TC3/WG3. 3 Working Conference on Lessons from …, 1993 | 36 | 1993 |
The think aloud method: A practical guide to modelling cognitive processes: MW Van Someren, YF Barnard, and JAC Sandberg (Knowledge Based Systems Series). Academic Press, San … P Solomon Information Processing & Management 31 (6), 906-907, 1995 | 35 | 1995 |
How situated is cognition? J Sandberg, BJ Wielinga IJCAI, 341-346, 1991 | 33 | 1991 |
Self-explanations, do we get them from our students? JAC Barnard, Y.,F., Sandberg European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Lisbon …, 1996 | 29* | 1996 |
Thinking aloud M Chi, MW Van Someren, YF Barnard, JAC Sandberg The Think Aloud Method: A Practical Guide to Modeling Cognitive Processes, 1994 | 28 | 1994 |
Didactic discourse in intelligent help systems R Winkels, J Breuker, J Sandberg University of Amsterdam, Department of Social Science Informatics, 1988 | 21 | 1988 |
Open learning environment: what support should they offer Y Barnard, J Sandberg Proceeding of International Conference on Computers in Education, 156-161, 1993 | 19 | 1993 |
Student models, scratch-pads, and simulation DJ Bierman, PA Kamsteeg, JAC Sandberg New Directions for Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Proceedings of the NATO …, 1992 | 19 | 1992 |
The learner in the centre: towards a methodology for open learning environments YF Barnard, JAC Sandberg Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1994 | 18* | 1994 |