Marc P. Christensen
Marc P. Christensen
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Unified blind method for multi-image super-resolution and single/multi-image blur deconvolution
E Faramarzi, D Rajan, MP Christensen
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 22 (6), 2101-2114, 2013
Description and evaluation of the FAST-Net smart pixel-based optical interconnection prototype
MW Haney, MP Christensen, P Milojkovic, GJ Fokken, M Vickberg, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 88 (6), 819-828, 2000
Fast non-line-of-sight imaging with high-resolution and wide field of view using synthetic wavelength holography
F Willomitzer, PV Rangarajan, F Li, MM Balaji, MP Christensen, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 6647, 2021
Performance scaling comparison for free-space optical and electrical interconnection approaches
MW Haney, MP Christensen
Applied Optics 37 (14), 2886-2894, 1998
Multiscale optical design for global chip-to-chip optical interconnections and misalignment tolerant packaging
MP Christensen, P Milojkovic, MJ McFadden, MW Haney
IEEE Journal of selected topics in quantum electronics 9 (2), 548-556, 2003
Enhancing form factor and light collection of multiplex imaging systems by using a cubic phase mask
M Somayaji, MP Christensen
Applied optics 45 (13), 2911-2923, 2006
Multichip free-space global optical interconnection demonstration with integrated arrays of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers and photodetectors
MW Haney, MP Christensen, P Milojkovic, J Ekman, P Chandramani, ...
Applied Optics 38 (29), 6190-6200, 1999
Photonic electric field sensor based on polymeric microspheres
A R. Ali, T Ioppolo, V Ötügen, M Christensen, D MacFarlane
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 52 (3), 276-279, 2014
Adaptive flat multiresolution multiplexed computational imaging architecture utilizing micromirror arrays to steer subimager fields of view
MP Christensen, V Bhakta, D Rajan, T Mirani, SC Douglas, SL Wood, ...
Applied Optics 45 (13), 2884-2892, 2006
Active-eyes: an adaptive pixel-by-pixel image-segmentation sensor architecture for high-dynamic-range hyperspectral imaging
MP Christensen, GW Euliss, MJ McFadden, KM Coyle, P Milojkovic, ...
Applied Optics 41 (29), 6093-6103, 2002
Blind super resolution of real-life video sequences
E Faramarzi, D Rajan, FCA Fernandes, MP Christensen
IEEE transactions on image processing 25 (4), 1544-1555, 2016
Frequency analysis of the wavefront-coding odd-symmetric quadratic phase mask
M Somayaji, MP Christensen
Applied optics 46 (2), 216-226, 2006
Integrated photonic coupler based on frustrated total internal reflection
NR Huntoon, MP Christensen, DL MacFarlane, GA Evans, CS Yeh
Applied Optics 47 (30), 5682-5690, 2008
Indirect imaging using correlography
A Viswanath, P Rangarajan, D MacFarlane, MP Christensen
Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, CM2E. 3, 2018
Synthetic wavelength holography: An extension of Gabor's holographic principle to imaging with scattered wavefronts
F Willomitzer, PV Rangarajan, F Li, MM Balaji, MP Christensen, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.11438, 2019
Panoptes: A thin agile multi-resolution imaging sensor
MP Christensen, MW Haney, D Rajan, S Wood, S Douglas
Proc. Government Microcuircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conf …, 2005
Multi-channel, agile, computationally enhanced camera based on the PANOPTES architecture
P Milojkovic, J Gill, D Frattin, K Coyle, K Haack, SMD Rajan, S Douglas, ...
Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, CTuB4, 2009
Experimental evidence of the theoretical spatial frequency response of cubic phase mask wavefront coding imaging systems
M Somayaji, VR Bhakta, MP Christensen
Optics Express 20 (2), 1878-1895, 2012
Method and apparatus for distortion reduction in optoelectronic interconnections
MP Christensen, P Milojkovic, MW Haney
US Patent 6,326,600, 2001
Fundamental geometric advantages of free-space optical interconnects
MW Haney, MP Christensen
Proceedings of Massively Parallel Processing Using Optical Interconnections …, 1996
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Articles 1–20