Laurent Hoeltgen
Laurent Hoeltgen
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An optimal control approach to find sparse data for Laplace interpolation
L Hoeltgen, S Setzer, J Weickert
Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: 9th …, 2013
Evaluating the true potential of diffusion-based inpainting in a compression context
P Peter, S Hoffmann, F Nedwed, L Hoeltgen, J Weickert
Signal Processing: Image Communication 46, 40-53, 2016
Optimising spatial and tonal data for PDE-based inpainting
L Hoeltgen, M Mainberger, S Hoffmann, J Weickert, CH Tang, S Setzer, ...
Variational Methods, 35-83, 2016
Why does non-binary mask optimisation work for diffusion-based image compression?
L Hoeltgen, J Weickert
Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: 10th …, 2015
From optimised inpainting with linear PDEs towards competitive image compression codecs
P Peter, S Hoffmann, F Nedwed, L Hoeltgen, J Weickert
Image and Video Technology: 7th Pacific-Rim Symposium, PSIVT 2015, Auckland …, 2016
Theoretical foundation of the weighted laplace inpainting problem
L Hoeltgen, A Kleefeld, I Harris, M Breuss
Applications of mathematics 64, 281-300, 2019
Clustering-based quantisation for PDE-based image compression
L Hoeltgen, P Peter, M Breuß
Signal, Image and Video Processing 12, 411-419, 2018
Towards PDE-based video compression with optimal masks prolongated by optic flow
M Breuß, L Hoeltgen, G Radow
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 63 (2), 144-156, 2021
Optimised photometric stereo via non-convex variational minimisation
L Hoeltgen, Y Quéau, M Breuß, G Radow
British Machine Vision Association (BMVA), 2016
Sparse regularisation of matrix valued models for acoustic source characterisation
L Hoeltgen, M Breuß, G Herold, E Sarradj
Optimization and Engineering 19, 39-70, 2018
Optimisation of classic photometric stereo by non-convex variational minimisation
G Radow, L Hoeltgen, Y Quéau, M Breuß
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 61, 84-105, 2019
Shape matching by time integration of partial differential equations
R Dachsel, M Breuß, L Hoeltgen
Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: 6th International …, 2017
Understanding image inpainting with the help of the Helmholtz equation
L Hoeltgen
Mathematical Sciences 11 (1), 73-77, 2017
The classic wave equation can do shape correspondence
R Dachsel, M Breuß, L Hoeltgen
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 17th International Conference …, 2017
Matrix-valued levelings for colour images
M Breuß, L Hoeltgen, A Kleefeld
Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Signal and Image Processing …, 2017
Optimal interpolation data for image reconstructions
LA Hoeltgen
Intermediate flow field filtering in energy based optic flow computations
L Hoeltgen, S Setzer, M Breuß
Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: 8th …, 2011
Bregman iteration for optical flow
L Hoeltgen
Master’s thesis, Saarland University, 2010
A Study of Spectral Expansion for Shape Correspondence
R Dachsel, M Breuß, L Hoeltgen
Proceedings of OAGM Workshop, 73-79, 2018
Analytic existence and uniqueness results for PDE-based image reconstruction with the Laplacian
L Hoeltgen, I Harris, M Breuß, A Kleefeld
Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: 6th International …, 2017
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