A tutorial on synthetic aperture radar A Moreira, P Prats-Iraola, M Younis, G Krieger, I Hajnsek, ... IEEE Geoscience and remote sensing magazine 1 (1), 6-43, 2013 | 2935 | 2013 |
Interferometric processing of Sentinel-1 TOPS data N Yagüe-Martínez, P Prats-Iraola, FR Gonzalez, R Brcic, R Shau, ... IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 54 (4), 2220-2234, 2016 | 519 | 2016 |
Very-high-resolution airborne synthetic aperture radar imaging: Signal processing and applications A Reigber, R Scheiber, M Jager, P Prats-Iraola, I Hajnsek, T Jagdhuber, ... Proceedings of the IEEE 101 (3), 759-783, 2012 | 373 | 2012 |
TOPS interferometry with TerraSAR-X P Prats-Iraola, R Scheiber, L Marotti, S Wollstadt, A Reigber IEEE Transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 50 (8), 3179-3188, 2012 | 310 | 2012 |
Processing of sliding spotlight and TOPS SAR data using baseband azimuth scaling P Prats, R Scheiber, J Mittermayer, A Meta, A Moreira IEEE Transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 48 (2), 770-780, 2009 | 310 | 2009 |
TanDEM-X: A radar interferometer with two formation-flying satellites G Krieger, M Zink, M Bachmann, B Bräutigam, D Schulze, M Martone, ... Acta Astronautica 89, 83-98, 2013 | 262 | 2013 |
Fully polarimetric high-resolution 3-D imaging with circular SAR at L-band O Ponce, P Prats-Iraola, M Pinheiro, M Rodriguez-Cassola, R Scheiber, ... IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 52 (6), 3074-3090, 2013 | 220 | 2013 |
Heterogeneous retreat and ice melt of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica P Milillo, E Rignot, P Rizzoli, B Scheuchl, J Mouginot, J Bueso-Bello, ... Science advances 5 (1), eaau3433, 2019 | 195 | 2019 |
A SAR interferometric model for soil moisture F De Zan, A Parizzi, P Prats-Iraola, P López-Dekker IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 52 (1), 418-425, 2013 | 193 | 2013 |
On the processing of very high resolution spaceborne SAR data P Prats-Iraola, R Scheiber, M Rodriguez-Cassola, J Mittermayer, ... IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 52 (10), 6003-6016, 2014 | 184 | 2014 |
TOPS imaging with TerraSAR-X: Mode design and performance analysis A Meta, J Mittermayer, P Prats, R Scheiber, U Steinbrecher IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 48 (2), 759-769, 2009 | 176 | 2009 |
Comparison of topography-and aperture-dependent motion compensation algorithms for airborne SAR P Prats, KAC de Macedo, A Reigber, R Scheiber, JJ Mallorqui IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 4 (3), 349-353, 2007 | 172 | 2007 |
Efficient time-domain image formation with precise topography accommodation for general bistatic SAR configurations M Rodriguez-Cassola, P Prats, G Krieger, A Moreira IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 47 (4), 2949-2966, 2011 | 168 | 2011 |
Refined estimation of time-varying baseline errors in airborne SAR interferometry A Reigber, P Prats, JJ Mallorqui IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 3 (1), 145-149, 2006 | 155 | 2006 |
First spaceborne demonstration of digital beamforming for azimuth ambiguity suppression JH Kim, M Younis, P Prats-Iraola, M Gabele, G Krieger IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 51 (1), 579-590, 2012 | 145 | 2012 |
First bistatic spaceborne SAR experiments with TanDEM-X M Rodriguez-Cassola, P Prats, D Schulze, N Tous-Ramon, ... IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 9 (1), 33-37, 2011 | 137 | 2011 |
First airborne demonstration of holographic SAR tomography with fully polarimetric multicircular acquisitions at L-band O Ponce, P Prats-Iraola, R Scheiber, A Reigber, A Moreira IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54 (10), 6170-6196, 2016 | 136 | 2016 |
Topography-dependent motion compensation for repeat-pass interferometric SAR systems P Prats, A Reigber, JJ Mallorqui IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 2 (2), 206-210, 2005 | 134 | 2005 |
SABRINA: A SAR bistatic receiver for interferometric applications J Sanz-Marcos, P Lopez-Dekker, JJ Mallorqui, A Aguasca, P Prats IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 4 (2), 307-311, 2007 | 131 | 2007 |
The TerraSAR-X staring spotlight mode concept J Mittermayer, S Wollstadt, P Prats-Iraola, R Scheiber IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 52 (6), 3695-3706, 2013 | 122 | 2013 |