Yannick Becker
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Evidence of a Vocalic Proto-System in the Baboon (Papio papio) Suggests Pre-Hominin Speech Precursors
LJ Boë, F Berthommier, T Legou, G Captier, C Kemp, TR Sawallis, ...
PloS one 12 (1), e0169321, 2017
Accelerating the Evolution of Nonhuman Primate Neuroimaging
M Milham, CI Petkov, DS Margulies, CE Schroeder, MA Basso, P Belin, ...
Neuron 105 (4), 600-603, 2020
The Arcuate Fasciculus and language origins: Disentangling existing conceptions that influence evolutionary accounts
Y Becker, KK Loh, O Coulon, A Meguerditchian
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2022
Broca's cerebral asymmetry reflects gestural communication's lateralisation in monkeys (Papio anubis)
Y Becker, N Claidière, K Margiotoudi, D Marie, M Roth, B Nazarian, ...
eLife 11, e70521, 2022
Early Left-Planum Temporale Asymmetry in newborn monkeys (Papio anubis): A longitudinal structural MRI study at two stages of development
Y Becker, J Sein, L Velly, L Giacomino, L Renaud, R Lacoste, JL Anton, ...
NeuroImage 227, 117575, 2021
Planum temporale grey matter volume asymmetries in newborn monkeys (Papio anubis)
Y Becker, R Phelipon, J Sein, L Velly, L Renaud, A Meguerditchian
Brain Structure and Function 227 (2), 463-468, 2022
Structural brain asymmetries for language: a comparative approach across primates
Y Becker, A Meguerditchian
Symmetry 14 (5), 876, 2022
Origins of human language: Continuities and discontinuities with nonhuman primates
LJ Boë, J Fagot, P Perrier, JL Schwartz
Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, 2017
Vocal repertoire of captive Guinea baboons (Papio papio)
C Kemp, A Rey, T Legou, LJ Boë, F Berthommier, Y Becker, J Fagot
Orig. Hum. Lang. Contin. Discontinuities Nonhum. Primates 15, 2017
Planum temporale asymmetry in newborn monkeys predicts the future development of gestural communication’s handedness
Y Becker, R Phelipon, D Marie, S Bouziane, R Marchetti, J Sein, L Velly, ...
Nature Communications 15 (1), 4791, 2024
Arcuate fasciculus’ middle and ventral temporal connections undercut by tract-tracing evidence
Y Becker, KK Loh, O Coulon, A Meguerditchian
Brain 145 (8), e66–e68, 2022
Early structural asymmetry in the central sulcus is associated with handedness in infant baboons
S Bouziane, KK Loh, Y Becker, S Brunschvig, A Picchiottino, J Sein, ...
27th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2021
The core language network separated from other networks during primate evolution
AD Friederici, Y Becker
Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 1-2, 2024
Et si la clé des origines du langage se trouvait dans le cerveau des singes ?
Y Becker, A Meguerditchian
The Conversation, 2023
Origin of brain specialisation for language: A developmental and phylogenetic perspective in monkeys (Papio anubis)
Y Becker
CNRS/Aix-Marseille University, 2022
Early "Language Homolog" Brain Asymmetry in Newborn Monkeys Paves the Way for the Development of Gestural Communication's Lateralization
Y Becker, R Phelipon, S Bouziane, J Sein, L Velly, L Renaud, E Rapha, ...
Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE), 2022
The Arcuate Fasciculus disentangled: Different conceptions are depicting different evolutionary trajectories
Y Becker, O Coulon, A Meguerditchian
Protolang7, 2021
The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference (Evolang13)
A Ravignani, C Barbieri
The Evolution of Language Conferences, 2020
The Broca Neurocorrelates of Gestural Communication in Baboon
Y Becker, K Margiotoudi, M Roth, B Nazarian, R Lacoste, JL Anton, ...
25th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2019
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