Cited by
Cited by
Academic achievement of students without special educational needs in inclusive classrooms: A meta-analysis
G Szumski, J Smogorzewska, M Karwowski
Educational research review 21, 33-54, 2017
Integracyjne kształcenie niepełnosprawnych: sens i granice zmiany edukacyjnej
G Szumski
Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2009
Exploring the Pygmalion effect: The role of teacher expectations, academic self-concept, and class context in students’ math achievement
G Szumski, M Karwowski
Contemporary educational psychology 59, 101787, 2019
Wokół edukacji włączającej: efekty kształcenia uczniów z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną w stopniu lekkim w klasach specjalnych, integracyjnych i ogólnodostępnych
G Szumski, A Firkowska-Mankiewicz
Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej, 2010
Teachers' effect on students' creative self-beliefs is moderated by students' gender
M Karwowski, J Gralewski, G Szumski
Learning and individual differences 44, 1-8, 2015
School achievement of children with intellectual disability: The role of socioeconomic status, placement, and parents’ engagement
G Szumski, M Karwowski
Research in developmental disabilities 33 (5), 1615-1625, 2012
Pedagogika specjalna: podręcznik akademicki
DD Smith, A Firkowska-Mankiewicz, G Szumski, JA Korbel, S Krasoczko, ...
Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2011
From moment-to-moment to day-to-day: Experience sampling and diary investigations in adults’ everyday creativity.
M Karwowski, I Lebuda, G Szumski, A Firkowska-Mankiewicz
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 11 (3), 309, 2017
Attitudes of students toward people with disabilities, moral identity and inclusive education—A two-level analysis
G Szumski, J Smogorzewska, P Grygiel
Research in Developmental Disabilities 102, 103685, 2020
Same progress for all? Inclusive education, the United Nations Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and students with intellectual disability in European countries
T Buchner, M Shevlin, MA Donovan, M Gercke, H Goll, J Šiška, ...
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 18 (1), 7-22, 2021
Intelligence in childhood and creative achievements in middle-age: The necessary condition approach
M Karwowski, JC Kaufman, I Lebuda, G Szumski, ...
Intelligence 64, 36-44, 2017
Examining the effectiveness of naturalistic social skills training in developing social skills and theory of mind in preschoolers with ASD
G Szumski, J Smogorzewska, P Grygiel, AM Orlando
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 49, 2822-2837, 2019
Emotional and social integration and the big-fish-little-pond effect among students with and without disabilities
G Szumski, M Karwowski
Learning and Individual Differences 43, 63-74, 2015
Theory of mind goes to school: Does educational environment influence the development of theory of mind in middle childhood?
J Smogorzewska, G Szumski, P Grygiel
Plos One 15 (8), e0237524, 2020
Psychosocial functioning and school achievement of children with mild intellectual disability in Polish special, integrative, and mainstream schools
G Szumski, M Karwowski
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 11 (2), 99-108, 2014
Theory of mind development in school environment: A case of children with mild intellectual disability learning in inclusive and special education classrooms
J Smogorzewska, G Szumski, P Grygiel
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 32 (5), 1241-1254, 2019
Same or different? Theory of mind among children with and without disabilities
J Smogorzewska, G Szumski, P Grygiel
PloS one 13 (10), e0202553, 2018
Developing preschoolers’ social skills: The effectiveness of two educational methods
J Smogorzewska, G Szumski
International Journal of disability, development and education 65 (3), 318-340, 2018
Academic achievement of students without special educational needs and disabilities in inclusive education–Does the type of inclusion matter?
G Szumski, J Smogorzewska, P Grygiel
Plos one 17 (7), e0270124, 2022
Koncepcja edukacji włączającej. W: I. Chrzanowska, G. Szumski (red.)
G Szumski
Edukacja włączająca w przedszkolu i szkole, 14-25, 2019
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Articles 1–20