J.P. de Ruiter
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Universals and cultural variation in turn-taking in conversation
T Stivers, NJ Enfield, P Brown, C Englert, M Hayashi, T Heinemann, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (26), 10587-10592, 2009
The production of gesture and speech
JP De Ruiter
Language and Gesture, 2000
Projecting the end of a speaker's turn: A cognitive cornerstone of conversation
JP De Ruiter, H Mitterer, NJ Enfield
Language 82 (3), 515-535, 2006
Gesture and speech production
J Ruiter
[Sl: sn], 1998
Primary and secondary pragmatic functions of pointing gestures
NJ Enfield, S Kita, JP De Ruiter
Journal of Pragmatics 39 (10), 1722-1741, 2007
The interplay between gesture and speech in the production of referring expressions: Investigating the tradeoff hypothesis
JP De Ruiter, A Bangerter, P Dings
Topics in cognitive science 4 (2), 232-248, 2012
Prediction of turn-ends based on anticipation of upcoming words
L Magyari, JP De Ruiter
Frontiers in psychology 3, 376, 2012
Computer animated movement and person perception: Methodological advances in nonverbal behavior research
G Bente, NC Krämer, A Petersen, JP de Ruiter
Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 25, 151-166, 2001
On the origin of Intentions
JP De Ruiter, ML Noordzij, S Newman-Norlund, P Hagoort, I Toni
Sensorimotor foundations of higher cognition 32, 2007
Early anticipation lies behind the speed of response in conversation
L Magyari, MCM Bastiaansen, JP De Ruiter, SC Levinson
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 26 (11), 2530-2539, 2014
Postcards from the mind: The relationship between speech, imagistic gesture, and thought
JP De Ruiter
Gesture 7 (1), 21-38, 2007
Can gesticulation help aphasic people speak, or rather, communicate?
JP De Ruiter
Advances in Speech Language Pathology 8 (2), 124-127, 2006
Recipient design in tacit communication
SE Newman-Norlund, ML Noordzij, RD Newman-Norlund, IAC Volman, ...
Cognition 111 (1), 46-54, 2009
Brain mechanisms underlying human communication
ML Noordzij, SE Newman-Norlund, JP De Ruiter, P Hagoort, SC Levinson, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 3, 478, 2009
Exploring the cognitive infrastructure of communication
JP De Ruiter, ML Noordzij, S Newman-Norlund, R Newman-Norlund, ...
Experimental Semiotics: Studies on the emergence and evolution of human …, 2012
Durational aspects of turn-taking in spontaneous face-to-face and telephone dialogues
L Ten Bosch, N Oostdijk, JP De Ruiter
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 7th International Conference, TSD 2004, Brno …, 2004
Repair: the interface between interaction and cognition
S Albert, JP De Ruiter
Topics in cognitive science 10 (2), 279-313, 2018
An Appeal for a Methodological Fusion of Conversation Analysis and Experimental Psychology
JP De Ruiter, S Albert
Research on Language and Social Interaction, 2017
Anticipation in turn-taking: mechanisms and information sources
C Riest, AB Jorschick, JP de Ruiter
Frontiers in psychology 6, 89, 2015
Questions: Formal, functional and interactional perspectives
JP De Ruiter
Cambridge University Press, 2012
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