Martin Eisend
Martin Eisend
European University Viadrina
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A meta-analysis of humor in advertising
M Eisend
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 37, 191-203, 2009
Success factors of product innovation: An updated meta‐analysis
H Evanschitzky, M Eisend, RJ Calantone, Y Jiang
Journal of product innovation management 29, 21-37, 2012
A meta-analysis of gender roles in advertising
M Eisend
Journal of the academy of marketing science 38, 418-440, 2010
Explaining counterfeit purchases: A review and preview
M Eisend, P Schuchert-Güler
Academy of Marketing Science Review 2006, 1, 2006
Two-sided advertising: A meta-analysis
M Eisend
International Journal of Research in Marketing 23 (2), 187-198, 2006
A meta-analytic investigation of the role of valence in online reviews
N Purnawirawan, M Eisend, P De Pelsmacker, N Dens
Journal of Interactive Marketing 31 (1), 17-27, 2015
Source credibility dimensions in marketing communication–A generalized solution
M Eisend
Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science 10 (2), 2006
Immediate and delayed advertising effects of celebrity endorsers’ attractiveness and expertise
M Eisend, T Langner
International journal of advertising 29 (4), 527-546, 2010
Advertising repetition: A meta-analysis on effective frequency in advertising
S Schmidt, M Eisend
Journal of Advertising 44 (4), 415-428, 2015
How humor in advertising works: A meta-analytic test of alternative models
M Eisend
Marketing letters 22, 115-132, 2011
Brand personality: A meta-analytic review of antecedents and consequences
M Eisend, NE Stokburger-Sauer
Marketing Letters 24, 205-216, 2013
Explaining the impact of scarcity appeals in advertising: The mediating role of perceptions of susceptibility
M Eisend
Journal of Advertising 37 (3), 33-40, 2008
Gender roles and humor in advertising: The occurrence of stereotyping in humorous and nonhumorous advertising and its consequences for advertising effectiveness
M Eisend, J Plagemann, J Sollwedel
Journal of advertising 43 (3), 256-273, 2014
Gender roles in advertising: Measuring and comparing gender stereotyping on public and private TV channels in Germany
S Knoll, M Eisend, J Steinhagen
International Journal of Advertising 30 (5), 867-888, 2011
Gender roles
M Eisend
Journal of Advertising 48 (1), 72-80, 2019
Diversity studies: Grundlagen und disziplinäre Ansätze
C Armbrüster, F Bayreuther, W Benz, M Dören, M Eisend, M Fuchs, ...
Campus Verlag, 2007
Buyers’ perceived switching costs and switching: a meta-analytic assessment of their antecedents
D Pick, M Eisend
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 42, 186-204, 2014
Warm glow vs. altruistic values: How important is intrinsic emotional reward in proenvironmental behavior?
P Hartmann, M Eisend, V Apaolaza, C D'Souza
Journal of Environmental Psychology 52, 43-55, 2017
Understanding two‐sided persuasion: An empirical assessment of theoretical approaches
M Eisend
Psychology & Marketing 24 (7), 615-640, 2007
The impact of sales encounters on brand loyalty
TO Brexendorf, S Mühlmeier, T Tomczak, M Eisend
Journal of Business Research 63 (11), 1148-1155, 2010
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Articles 1–20