Benjamin Schröder
Benjamin Schröder
Post-Doc, Institut für Pysikalische Chemie, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
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Cited by
Low-barrier hydrogen bonds in enzyme cooperativity
S Dai, LM Funk, FR von Pappenheim, V Sautner, M Paulikat, B Schröder, ...
Nature 573 (7775), 609-613, 2019
Strong theoretical support for the assignment of B11244 to l-C3H+
P Botschwina, C Stein, P Sebald, B Schröder, R Oswald
The Astrophysical Journal 787 (1), 72, 2014
High-level theoretical rovibrational spectroscopy beyond fc-CCSD (T): The C3 molecule
B Schröder, P Sebald
The Journal of Chemical Physics 144 (4), 2016
Challenging High-Level ab initio Rovibrational Spectroscopy: The Nitrous Oxide Molecule
B Schröder, P Sebald, C Stein, O Weser, P Botschwina
Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie 229 (10-12), 1663-1690, 2015
Strained hydrogen bonding in imidazole trimer: A combined infrared, Raman, and theory study
T Forsting, J Zischang, MA Suhm, M Eckhoff, B Schröder, RA Mata
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (11), 5989-5998, 2019
The first HyDRA challenge for computational vibrational spectroscopy
TL Fischer, M Bödecker, SM Schweer, J Dupont, V Lepère, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25 (33), 22089-22102, 2023
Vibrational configuration interaction theory
B Schröder, G Rauhut, JM Bowman
Vibrational Dynamics of Molecules, 1-40, 2022
High-dimensional neural network potentials for accurate vibrational frequencies: the formic acid dimer benchmark
DS Rasheeda, AM Santa Daría, B Schröder, E Mátyus, J Behler
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (48), 29381-29392, 2022
High-level rovibrational calculations on ketenimine
M Tschöpe, B Schröder, S Erfort, G Rauhut
Frontiers in Chemistry 8, 623641, 2021
Incremental vibrational configuration interaction theory, iVCI: Implementation and benchmark calculations
B Schröder, G Rauhut
The Journal of Chemical Physics 154 (12), 2021
High-level theoretical spectroscopic parameters for three ions of astrochemical interest
C Stein, O Weser, B Schröder, P Botschwina
Molecular Physics 113 (15-16), 2169-2178, 2015
From the Automated Calculation of Potential Energy Surfaces to Accurate Infrared Spectra
B Schröder, G Rauhut
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 15 (11), 3159-3169, 2024
Theoretical rovibrational spectroscopy beyond fc-CCSD (T): the cation CNC+
B Schröder, O Weser, P Sebald, P Botschwina
Molecular Physics 113 (13-14), 1914-1923, 2015
Determination of spectroscopic constants from rovibrational configuration interaction calculations
DF Dinu, M Tschöpe, B Schröder, KR Liedl, G Rauhut
The Journal of Chemical Physics 157 (15), 2022
Rovibrational states of HBF+ isotopologues: Theory and experiment
P Botschwina, P Sebald, B Schröder, A Bargholz, K Kawaguchi, T Amano
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 302, 3-8, 2014
Stretching our understanding of c3: Experimental and theoretical spectroscopy of highly excited nν1+ mν3 states (n≤ 7 and m≤ 3)
B Schröder, KD Doney, P Sebald, D Zhao, H Linnartz
The Journal of Chemical Physics 149 (1), 2018
Theoretical rovibrational spectroscopy of NO2+
P Botschwina, A Bargholz, P Sebald, C Stein, B Schröder, R Oswald
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 311, 12-18, 2015
Variational rovibrational calculations for tetra atomic linear molecules using Watson’s isomorphic Hamiltonian: II. The B11244 story retold
B Schröder, P Sebald
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 386, 111628, 2022
High-level theoretical rovibrational spectroscopy of HCS+ isotopologues
B Schröder, P Sebald
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 330, 120-129, 2016
Comparison of body definitions for incremental vibrational configuration interaction theory (iVCI)
B Schröder, G Rauhut
The Journal of Chemical Physics 156 (17), 2022
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Articles 1–20