Marcus Giamattei
Marcus Giamattei
Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Universität Passau
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LIONESS Lab: a free web-based platform for conducting interactive experiments online
M Giamattei, KS Yahosseini, S Gächter, L Molleman
Journal of the Economic Science Association 6 (1), 95-111, 2020
classEx—an online tool for lab-in-the-field experiments with smartphones
M Giamattei, JG Lambsdorff
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 22, 223-231, 2019
On the role of heuristics—Experimental evidence on inflation dynamics
JG Lambsdorff, M Schubert, M Giamattei
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 37 (6), 1213-1229, 2013
The Market for Reviews: Strategic Behavior of Online Product Reviewers with Monetary Incentives
V Dorner, M Giamattei, M Greiff
Schmalenbach Business Review, 2020
Who inflates the bubble? Forecasters and traders in experimental asset markets
M Giamattei, J Huber, JG Lambsdorff, A Nicklisch, S Palan
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 110, 103718, 2020
Intentions rather than money illusion–Why nominal changes induce real effects
S Grundmann, M Giamattei, JG Lambsdorff
European Economic Review 119, 166-178, 2019
Balancing the current account: experimental evidence on underconsumption
M Giamattei, JG Lambsdorff
Experimental Economics 18, 670-696, 2015
Team reasoning—Experimental evidence on cooperation from centipede games
JG Lambsdorff, M Giamattei, K Werner, M Schubert
Plos One 13 (11), e0206666, 2018
Teaching microeconomic principles with smartphones–lessons from classroom experiments with classEx
H Llavador, M Giamattei
Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Economics …, 2017
Can Cold Turkey Reduce Inflation Inertia? Evidence on Disinflation and Level‐k Thinking from a Laboratory Experiment
M Giamattei
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 54 (8), 2477-2517, 2022
On the downward rigidity of wages: evidence from an experimental labour market with monetary neutrality
S Grundmann, M Giamattei, J Graf Lambsdorff
Passauer Diskussionspapiere-Volkswirtschaftliche Reihe 80 (20), 2020
How Fragile is Conditional Cooperation? A Field Experiment with Smartphones during the 2014 Soccer World Cup
J Graf Lambsdorff, M Giamattei, K Werner
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 30 (2), 492-501, 2017
Exploiting Correspondence Analysis to Visualize Product Spaces
M Giamattei, M Scholz
VII Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS Information Technoogy and …, 2010
Spillovers from incentive schemes on distributional preferences and expectations
M Greiff, M Giamattei
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 102241, 2024
The Behavioral Foundations of International Anti-Bribery Laws: Results From an International Lab-Type Experiment
T Alysandratos, A Barr, C Bryce, T Chmura, E Dávid-Barrett, M Giamattei
Available at SSRN 4752776, 2024
To Bribe or Not To Bribe…
M Giamattei
University of Passau, 2010
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