Falko Krause
Falko Krause
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SBML Level 3: an extensible format for the exchange and reuse of biological models
SM Keating, D Waltemath, M König, F Zhang, A Dräger, C Chaouiya, ...
Molecular systems biology 16 (8), e9110, 2020
Annotation and merging of SBML models with semanticSBML
F Krause, J Uhlendorf, T Lubitz, M Schulz, E Klipp, W Liebermeister
Bioinformatics 26 (3), 421-422, 2010
A framework for mapping, visualisation and automatic model creation of signal‐transduction networks
CF Tiger, F Krause, G Cedersund, R Palmér, E Klipp, S Hohmann, ...
Molecular systems biology 8 (1), 578, 2012
Retrieval, alignment, and clustering of computational models based on semantic annotations
M Schulz, F Krause, N Le Novere, E Klipp, W Liebermeister
Molecular systems biology 7 (1), 512, 2011
Systems biology of monovalent cation homeostasis in yeast: the translucent contribution
J Ariño, E Aydar, S Drulhe, D Ganser, J Jorrín, M Kahm, F Krause, ...
Advances in microbial physiology 64, 1-63, 2014
Biographer: web-based editing and rendering of SBGN compliant biochemical networks
F Krause, M Schulz, B Ripkens, M Flöttmann, M Krantz, E Klipp, T Handorf
Bioinformatics 29 (11), 1467-1468, 2013
Reaction-contingency based bipartite Boolean modelling
M Flöttmann, F Krause, E Klipp, M Krantz
BMC systems biology 7, 1-12, 2013
Sustainable model building: the role of standards and biological semantics
F Krause, M Schulz, N Swainston, W Liebermeister
Methods in Enzymology 500, 371-395, 2011
SemanticSBML: a tool for annotating, checking, and merging of biochemical models in SBML format
W Liebermeister, F Krause, J Uhlendorf, T Lubitz, E Klipp
Nature precedings, 1-1, 2009
SBML level 3 package proposal: annotation
D Waltemath, N Swainston, AL Lister, F Bergmann, R Henkel, S Hoops, ...
Nature Publishing Group, 2011
Computational tools for systems biology
E Klipp, F Krause
Cancer Systems Biology, Bioinformatics and Medicine: Research and Clinical …, 2011
SemanticSBML–state of affairs
W Liebermeister, F Krause, M Schulz, T Lubitz
Available from Nat Preced, 2010
A simple clustering of the BioModels database using semanticSBML
F Krause, W Liebermeister
Nature Precedings, 1-1, 2009
Merging of systems biology models with semanticSBML
W Liebermeister, F Krause, E Klipp
5th Workshop on Computation of Biochemical Pathways and Genetic Networks, 2008
F Krause, M Schulz, N Swainston, W Liebermeister
Methods in Systems Biology 500, 371, 2011
SBML Level 3 Package Proposal: Annotation
M Hucka, C Laibe, N Juty, W Liebermeister, S Keating, C Lloyd, ...
Nature Precedings, 1-1, 2011
SBML Level 3 Package Proposal: Annotation
N Swainston, D Waltemath, A Lister, F Bergmann, R Henkel, S Hoops, ...
Nature Proceedings, 2011
semanticSBML 2.0-A Collection of Online Services for SBML Models
F Krause, M Schulz, T Lubitz, W Liebermeister
arXiv preprint arXiv:1012.1664, 2010
SemanticSBIVIL—-state of affairs
W Liebermeister, F Krause, T Lubitz
Extracellular C
T Handorf, W Jing, M Flöttmann, M Schulz, B Ripkens, S Stoma, F Krause, ...
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