Monika Kofler
Monika Kofler
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Architecture and design of the HeuristicLab optimization environment
S Wagner, G Kronberger, A Beham, M Kommenda, A Scheibenpflug, ...
Advanced methods and applications in computational intelligence, 197-261, 2014
Re-warehousing vs. healing: Strategies for warehouse storage location assignment
M Kofler, A Beham, S Wagner, M Affenzeller, W Achleitner
3rd IEEE international symposium on logistics and industrial informatics, 77-82, 2011
Advanced methods and applications in computational intelligence
S Wagner, G Kronberger, A Beham, M Kommenda, A Scheibenpflug, ...
Topics in Intelligent Engineering and Informatics 6, 197-261, 2014
Affinity based slotting in warehouses with dynamic order patterns
M Kofler, A Beham, S Wagner, M Affenzeller
Advanced methods and applications in computational intelligence, 123-143, 2014
HeuristicLab 3.3: A unified approach to metaheuristic optimization
S Wagner, A Beham, G Kronberger, M Kommenda, E Pitzer, M Kofler, ...
Actas del séptimo congreso español sobre Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos …, 2010
Rassigning storage locations in a warehouse to optimize the order picking process
M Kofler, A Beham, S Wagner, M Affenzeller, C Reitinger
Proceedings of the 22th european modeling and simulation symposium EMSS, 77-82, 2010
Robust storage assignment in warehouses with correlated demand
M Kofler, A Beham, S Wagner, M Affenzeller
Computational intelligence and efficiency in engineering systems, 415-428, 2015
Optimizing assembly line supply by integrating warehouse picking and forklift routing using simulation
S Vonolfen, M Kofler, A Beham, M Affenzeller, W Achleitner
Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 1-12, 2012
Simulation-based optimization with HeuristicLab: practical guidelines and real-world applications
M Affenzeller, A Beham, S Vonolfen, E Pitzer, SM Winkler, S Hutterer, ...
Applied Simulation and Optimization: In Logistics, Industrial and …, 2015
Priority rule generation with a genetic algorithm to minimize sequence dependent setup costs
M Kofler, S Wagner, A Beham, G Kronberger, M Affenzeller
Computer Aided Systems Theory-EUROCAST 2009: 12th International Conference …, 2009
Agent-based simulation of dispatching rules in dynamic pickup and delivery problems
A Beham, M Kofler, S Wagner, M Affenzeller
2009 2nd International Symposium on Logistics and Industrial Informatics, 1-6, 2009
Optimising the storage location assignment problem under dynamic conditions
M Kofler …, 2015
Metaheuristic optimization
M Affenzeller, A Beham, M Kofler, G Kronberger, SA Wagner, S Winkler
Hagenberg Research, 103-155, 2009
Modelling and optimizing storage assignment in a steel slab yard
M Kofler, A Beham, S Vonolfen, S Wagner, M Affenzeller
2012 4th IEEE International Symposium on Logistics and Industrial …, 2012
Coupling simulation with HeuristicLab to solve facility layout problems
A Beham, M Kofler, S Wagner, M Affenzeller
Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 2205-2217, 2009
A simulation-based approach to the vehicle routing problem
S Vonolfen, S Wagner, A Beham, M Kofler, M Affenzeller, E Lengauer, ...
22nd European modeling and simulation symposium EMSS, 363-368, 2010
Optimization of medical ultrasound transducers with simulation and genetic algorithms
M Kofler, A Beham, M Affenzeller, S Wagner, A Bruzzone, F Longo, ...
European Modeling and Simulation Symp, 100-105, 2008
Optimising the storage location assignment problem under dynamic conditions Optimising the Storage Location Assignment Problem Under Dynamic Conditions
M Kofler
Johannes Kepler Universitat, Technisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Linz, 2014
Enhanced priority rule synthesis with waiting conditions
A Beham, M Kofler, S Wagner, M Affenzeller, H Heiss, M Vorderwinkler
22nd European Modeling and Simulation Symposium EMSS 2010, 2010
Evolutionary selection in simulation-based optimization
A Beham, M Kofler, M Affenzeller, S Wagner
Computer Aided Systems Theory-EUROCAST 2009: 12th International Conference …, 2009
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