Jochen Laubrock
Jochen Laubrock
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Microsaccade dynamics during covert attention
J Laubrock, R Engbert, R Kliegl
Vision research 45 (6), 721-730, 2005
Preview benefit and parafoveal-on-foveal effects from word n+ 2.
R Kliegl, S Risse, J Laubrock
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 33 (5 …, 2007
Semantic preview benefit in eye movements during reading: A parafoveal fast-priming study.
S Hohenstein, J Laubrock, R Kliegl
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 36 (5), 1150, 2010
Fixational eye movements predict the perceived direction of ambiguous apparent motion
J Laubrock, R Engbert, R Kliegl
Journal of Vision 8 (14), 13:1-17, 2008
SWIFT explorations of age differences in eye movements during reading
J Laubrock, R Kliegl, R Engbert
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 30 (6), 872-884, 2006
Shortening and prolongation of saccade latencies following microsaccades
M Rolfs, J Laubrock, R Kliegl
Experimental Brain Research 169, 369-376, 2006
Microsaccades are an index of covert attention: commentary on Horowitz, Fine, Fencsik, Yurgenson, and Wolfe (2007)
J Laubrock, R Engbert, M Rolfs, R Kliegl
Psychological Science 18 (4), 364-366, 2007
The eye-voice span during reading aloud
J Laubrock, R Kliegl
Frontiers in psychology 6, 1432, 2015
Interoceptive focus shapes the experience of time
O Pollatos, J Laubrock, M Wittmann
PloS one 9 (1), e86934, 2014
When do microsaccades follow spatial attention?
J Laubrock, R Kliegl, M Rolfs, R Engbert
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 72 (3), 683-694, 2010
Control of fixation duration during scene viewing by interaction of foveal and peripheral processing
J Laubrock, A Cajar, R Engbert
Journal of Vision 13 (12), 11-11, 2013
When preview information starts to matter: Development of the perceptual span in German beginning readers
A Sperlich, DJ Schad, J Laubrock
Journal of Cognitive Psychology 27 (5), 511-530, 2015
Eye–voice span during rapid automatized naming of digits and dice in Chinese normal and dyslexic children
J Pan, M Yan, J Laubrock, H Shu, R Kliegl
Developmental Science 16 (6), 967-979, 2013
Parafoveal processing efficiency in rapid automatized naming: A comparison between Chinese normal and dyslexic children
M Yan, J Pan, J Laubrock, R Kliegl, H Shu
Journal of experimental child psychology 115 (3), 579-589, 2013
Spatial frequency processing in the central and peripheral visual field during scene viewing
A Cajar, R Engbert, J Laubrock
Vision Research 127, 186-197, 2016
Development of the perceptual span in reading: A longitudinal study
A Sperlich, J Meixner, J Laubrock
Journal of experimental child psychology 146, 181-201, 2016
Coupling of attention and saccades when viewing scenes with central and peripheral degradation
A Cajar, P Schneeweiß, R Engbert, J Laubrock
Journal of Vision 16 (2), 8-8, 2016
Empirical Comics Research: Digital, Multimodal, and Cognitive Methods
A Dunst, J Laubrock, J Wildfeuer
Routledge, 2018
Registering eye movements during reading in Alzheimer’s disease: difficulties in predicting upcoming words
G Fernández, J Laubrock, P Mandolesi, O Colombo, O Agamennoni
Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology 36 (3), 302-316, 2014
Microsaccadic modulation of response times in spatial attention tasks
R Kliegl, M Rolfs, J Laubrock, R Engbert
Psychological research 73 (2), 136-146, 2009
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