Kyu S. Hahn
Kyu S. Hahn
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Red media, blue media: Evidence of ideological selectivity in media use
S Iyengar, KS Hahn
Journal of communication 59 (1), 19-39, 2009
Selective exposure to campaign communication: The role of anticipated agreement and issue public membership
S Iyengar, KS Hahn, JA Krosnick, J Walker
The Journal of Politics 70 (1), 186-200, 2008
Consumer demand for election news: The horserace sells
S Iyengar, H Norpoth, KS Hahn
The Journal of Politics 66 (1), 157-175, 2004
Economic and cultural drivers of immigrant support worldwide
NA Valentino, SN Soroka, S Iyengar, T Aalberg, R Duch, M Fraile, ...
British Journal of Political Science 49 (4), 1201-1226, 2019
Cross‐national versus individual‐level differences in political information: A media systems perspective
S Iyengar, J Curran, AB Lund, I Salovaara‐Moring, KS Hahn, S Coen
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 20 (3), 291-309, 2010
Do attitudes about immigration predict willingness to admit individual immigrants? A cross-national test of the person-positivity bias
S Iyengar, S Jackman, S Messing, N Valentino, T Aalberg, R Duch, ...
Public opinion quarterly 77 (3), 641-665, 2013
“Dark areas of ignorance” revisited: Comparing international affairs knowledge in Switzerland and the United States
S Iyengar, KS Hahn, H Bonfadelli, M Marr
Communication Research 36 (3), 341-358, 2009
Fragmentation in the Twitter following of news outlets: The representation of South Korean users’ ideological and generational cleavage
KS Hahn, S Ryu, S Park
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 92 (1), 56-76, 2015
Who deserves citizenship? An experimental study of Japanese attitudes toward immigrant workers
T Kobayashi, C Collet, S Iyengar, KS Hahn
Social Science Japan Journal 18 (1), 3-22, 2015
Deliberation and net attitude change
RC Luskin, JS Fishkin, KS Hahn
ECPR general conference, Pisa, Italy, 6-8, 2007
Natural disasters in Black and White: How racial cues influenced public response to Hurricane Katrina
S Iyengar, KS Hahn
Unpublished paper, 1335, 2007
A news-topic recommender system based on keywords extraction
Z Wang, K Hahn, Y Kim, S Song, JM Seo
Multimedia Tools and Applications 77, 4339-4353, 2018
The network of celebrity politics: Political implications of celebrity following on Twitter
S Park, J Lee, S Ryu, KS Hahn
The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 659 (1 …, 2015
Consensus and polarization in small group deliberations
RC Luskin, JS Fishkin, KS Hahn
annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, 2007
Polarization in less than thirty seconds: Continuous monitoring of voter response to campaign advertising
S Iyengar, S Jackman, K Hahn
Political Communication in Real Time, 199-223, 2016
Has technology made attention to political campaigns more selective? An experimental study of the 2000 presidential campaign
S Iyengar, K Hahn, M Prior
Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, 2001
The influence of “social viewing” on televised debate viewers’ political judgment
KS Hahn, HY Lee, S Ha, S Jang, J Lee
Political Communication 35 (2), 287-305, 2018
Deliberative distortions? Homogenization, polarization, and domination in small group discussions
RC Luskin, G Sood, JS Fishkin, KS Hahn
British Journal of Political Science 52 (3), 1205-1225, 2022
Deliberative distortions? Homogenization, polarization, and domination in small group deliberations
RC Luskin, G Sood, JS Fishkin, KS Hahn
Unpublished manuscript from the Center for Deliberative Democracy, 2017
Consumer demand for election news: The horserace sells
K Hahn, S Iyengar, H Norpoth
Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston 30, 2002
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