Manfred J. Mark
Manfred J. Mark
Senior Scientist at the University of Innsbruck
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Realization of an excited, strongly correlated quantum gas phase
E Haller, M Gustavsson, MJ Mark, JG Danzl, R Hart, G Pupillo, HC Nägerl
Science 325 (5945), 1224-1227, 2009
Quantum-Fluctuation-Driven Crossover from a Dilute Bose-Einstein Condensate to a Macrodroplet in a Dipolar Quantum Fluid
L Chomaz, S Baier, D Petter, MJ Mark, F Wächtler, L Santos, F Ferlaino
Physical Review X 6 (4), 041039, 2016
Quantum gas of deeply bound ground state molecules
JG Danzl, E Haller, M Gustavsson, MJ Mark, R Hart, N Bouloufa, O Dulieu, ...
Science 321 (5892), 1062-1066, 2008
Long-lived and transient supersolid behaviors in dipolar quantum gases
L Chomaz, D Petter, P Ilzhöfer, G Natale, A Trautmann, C Politi, ...
Physical Review X 9 (2), 021012, 2019
An ultracold high-density sample of rovibronic ground-state molecules in an optical lattice
JG Danzl, MJ Mark, E Haller, M Gustavsson, R Hart, J Aldegunde, ...
Nature Physics 6 (4), 265, 2010
Extended Bose-Hubbard models with ultracold magnetic atoms
S Baier, MJ Mark, D Petter, K Aikawa, L Chomaz, Z Cai, M Baranov, ...
Science 352 (6282), 201-205, 2016
Confinement-induced resonances in low-dimensional quantum systems
E Haller, MJ Mark, R Hart, JG Danzl, L Reichsöllner, V Melezhik, ...
Physical review letters 104 (15), 153203, 2010
Control of interaction-induced dephasing of Bloch oscillations
M Gustavsson, E Haller, MJ Mark, JG Danzl, G Rojas-Kopeinig, ...
Physical review letters 100 (8), 080404, 2008
Observation of roton mode population in a dipolar quantum gas
L Chomaz, RMW van Bijnen, D Petter, G Faraoni, S Baier, JH Becher, ...
Nature physics 14 (5), 442, 2018
Pinning quantum phase transition for a Luttinger liquid of strongly interacting bosons
E Haller, R Hart, MJ Mark, JG Danzl, L Reichsöllner, M Gustavsson, ...
Nature 466 (7306), 597, 2010
Quantum quench in an atomic one-dimensional Ising chain
F Meinert, MJ Mark, E Kirilov, K Lauber, P Weinmann, AJ Daley, ...
Physical review letters 111 (5), 053003, 2013
Excitation spectrum of a trapped dipolar supersolid and its experimental evidence
G Natale, RMW van Bijnen, A Patscheider, D Petter, MJ Mark, L Chomaz, ...
Physical review letters 123 (5), 050402, 2019
Floquet engineering of correlated tunneling in the Bose-Hubbard model with ultracold atoms
F Meinert, MJ Mark, K Lauber, AJ Daley, HC Nägerl
Physical Review Letters 116 (20), 205301, 2016
Two-dimensional supersolidity in a dipolar quantum gas
MA Norcia, C Politi, L Klaus, E Poli, M Sohmen, MJ Mark, RN Bisset, ...
Nature 596 (7872), 357-361, 2021
Inducing transport in a dissipation-free lattice with super Bloch oscillations
E Haller, R Hart, MJ Mark, JG Danzl, L Reichsöllner, HC Nägerl
Physical review letters 104 (20), 200403, 2010
Probing the Excitations of a Lieb-Liniger Gas from Weak to Strong Coupling
F Meinert, M Panfil, MJ Mark, K Lauber, JS Caux, HC Nägerl
Physical Review Letters 115 (8), 085301, 2015
Dipolar quantum mixtures of erbium and dysprosium atoms
A Trautmann, P Ilzhöfer, G Durastante, C Politi, M Sohmen, MJ Mark, ...
Physical Review Letters 121 (21), 213601, 2018
Emergence of chaotic scattering in ultracold Er and Dy
T Maier, H Kadau, M Schmitt, M Wenzel, I Ferrier-Barbut, T Pfau, A Frisch, ...
Physical Review X 5 (4), 041029, 2015
Probing the roton excitation spectrum of a stable dipolar Bose gas
D Petter, G Natale, RMW van Bijnen, A Patscheider, MJ Mark, L Chomaz, ...
Physical Review Letters 122 (18), 183401, 2019
Precision Measurements on a Tunable Mott Insulator of Ultracold Atoms
MJ Mark, E Haller, K Lauber, JG Danzl, AJ Daley, HC Nägerl
Physical Review Letters 107 (17), 175301, 2011
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