Ken Prepin
Ken Prepin
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Laughter animation synthesis
Y Ding, K Prepin, J Huang, C Pelachaud, T Artières
Proceedings of the 2014 international conference on Autonomous agents and …, 2014
Greta: Towards an interactive conversational virtual companion
E Bevacqua, K Prepin, R Niewiadomski, E Sevin, C Pelachaud
Close engagements with artificial companions: key social, psychological …, 2010
Experiencing contingency and agency: First step toward self-understanding in making a mind?
J Nadel, K Prepin, M Okanda
Interaction studies 6 (3), 447-462, 2005
Human–machine interaction as a model of machine–machine interaction: how to make machines interact as humans do
K Prepin, A Revel
Advanced Robotics 21 (15), 1709-1723, 2007
How an agent can detect and use synchrony parameter of its own interaction with a human?
K Prepin, P Gaussier
Development of Multimodal Interfaces: Active Listening and Synchrony: Second …, 2010
Beyond backchannels: co-construction of dyadic stancce by reciprocal reinforcement of smiles between virtual agents.
K Prepin, M Ochs, C Pelachaud
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 35 (35), 2013
Reactive behaviors in SAIBA architecture
E Bevacqua, K Prepin, E De Sevin, R Niewiadomski, C Pelachaud
AAMAS 2009 Workshop Towards a Standard Markup Language for Embodied Dialogue …, 2008
Toward a cognitive system algebra: Application to facial expression learning and imitation
P Gaussier, K Prepin, J Nadel
Embodied Artificial Intelligence: International Seminar, Dagstuhl Castle …, 2004
Engagement driven topic selection for an information-giving agent
N Glas, K Prepin, C Pelachaud
Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SemDial 2015-goDial), 2015
SHARED UNDERSTANDING AND SYNCHRONY EMERGENCE-Synchrony as an Indice of the Exchange of Meaning between Dialog Partners
K Prepin, C Pelachaud
International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence 2, 25-34, 2011
Mutual stance building in dyad of virtual agents: Smile alignment and synchronisation
K Prepin, M Ochs, C Pelachaud
2012 International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust and 2012 …, 2012
Effect of time delays on agents' interaction dynamics
K Prepin, C Pelachaud
The 10th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent …, 2011
Towards a smiling ECA: studies on mimicry, timing and types of smiles
R Niewiadomski, K Prepin, E Bevacqua, M Ochs, C Pelachaud
Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Social signal processing, 65-70, 2010
Vers des agents conversationnels animés socio-affectifs
M Ochs, Y Ding, N Fourati, M Chollet, B Ravenet, F Pecune, N Glas, ...
Proceedings of the 25th Conference on l'Interaction Homme-Machine, 69-78, 2013
Basics of intersubjectivity dynamics: Model of synchrony emergence when dialogue partners understand each other
K Prepin, C Pelachaud
International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 302-318, 2011
Formalization of recognition, affordances and learning in isolated or interacting animats
P Gaussier, JC Baccon, K Prepin, J Nadel, L Hafemeister
SAB04 (From Animal to Animat) 258, 2004
Gesture interface
L Ach, K Prepin, C Lejeune
US Patent 10,969,872, 2021
Vers des Agents Conversationnels Animés dotés d'émotions et d'attitudes sociales
M Ochs, Y Ding, N Fourati, M Chollet, B Ravenet, F Pecune, N Glas, ...
Journal d'Interaction Personne-Système 3 (Unlabeled section), 2015
From emotions to interpersonal stances: Multi-level analysis of smiling virtual characters
M Ochs, K Prepin, C Pelachaud
2013 Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent …, 2013
Document image analysis apparatus, document image analysis method and program thereof
S Maggio, A DE LA COMBLE, K Prepin
US Patent 11,900,644, 2024
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Articles 1–20