Ralf Der
Ralf Der
Professor, retired, University of Leipzig
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Topology preservation in self-organizing feature maps: exact definition and measurement
T Villmann, R Der, M Herrmann, TM Martinetz
IEEE transactions on neural networks 8 (2), 256-266, 1997
Predictive information and explorative behavior of autonomous robots
N Ay, N Bertschinger, R Der, F Güttler, E Olbrich
The European Physical Journal B 63, 329-339, 2008
Controlling the magnification factor of self-organizing feature maps
HU Bauer, R Der, MH Herrmann
Neural computation 8 (4), 757-771, 1996
The playful machine: theoretical foundation and practical realization of self-organizing robots
R Der, G Martius
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Information driven self-organization of complex robotic behaviors
G Martius, R Der, N Ay
PloS one 8 (5), e63400, 2013
Higher coordination with less control—a result of information maximization in the sensorimotor loop
K Zahedi, N Ay, R Der
Adaptive Behavior 18 (3-4), 338-355, 2010
The influence of two‐particle states (excitons) on the dielectric function of the electron—hole plasma
G Röpke, R Der
physica status solidi (b) 92 (2), 501-510, 1979
Homeokinesis-a new principle to back up evolution with learning
R Der, U Steinmetz, F Pasemann
Information-driven self-organization: the dynamical system approach to autonomous robot behavior
N Ay, H Bernigau, R Der, M Prokopenko
Theory in Biosciences 131, 161-179, 2012
A new quantitative measure of topology preservation in Kohonen's feature maps
T Villmann, R Der, T Martinetz
Proceedings of 1994 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN …, 1994
Self-organized acquisition of situated behaviors
R Der
Theory in Biosciences 120 (3-4), 179-187, 2001
Guided self-organisation for autonomous robot development
G Martius, JM Herrmann, R Der
Advances in Artificial Life: 9th European Conference, ECAL 2007, Lisbon …, 2007
Rocking stamper and jumping snakes from a dynamical systems approach to artificial life
R Der, F Hesse, G Martius
Adaptive Behavior 14 (2), 105-115, 2006
From motor babbling to purposive actions: Emerging self-exploration in a dynamical systems approach to early robot development
R Der, G Martius
International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, 406-421, 2006
Novel plasticity rule can explain the development of sensorimotor intelligence
R Der, G Martius
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (45), E6224-E6232, 2015
Guided self-organization: perception–action loops of embodied systems
N Ay, R Der, M Prokopenko
Theory in Biosciences 131 (3), 125-127, 2012
A novel approach to measure the topology preservation of feature maps
T Villmann, R Der, T Martinetz
ICANN’94: Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural …, 1994
Predictive information and emergent cooperativity in a chain of mobile robots.
R Der, F Güttler, N Ay
ALIFE, 166-172, 2008
Let it roll-emerging sensorimotor coordination in a spherical robot
R Der, G Martius, F Hesse
Tenth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems, 2006
True autonomy from self-organized adaptivity
R Der, R Liebscher
Proc. Workshop Biologically Inspired Robotics, Bristol, 2002
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