Mintao Zhao
Cited by
Cited by
How you get there from here: Interaction of visual landmarks and path integration in human navigation
M Zhao, WH Warren
Psychological science 26 (6), 915-924, 2015
Layout geometry in the selection of intrinsic frames of reference from multiple viewpoints.
W Mou, M Zhao, TP McNamara
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 33 (1 …, 2007
Environmental stability modulates the role of path integration in human navigation
M Zhao, WH Warren
Cognition 142, 96-109, 2015
Holistic processing, contact, and the other-race effect in face recognition
M Zhao, WG Hayward, I Bülthoff
Vision research 105, 61-69, 2014
Holistic processing underlies gender judgments of faces
M Zhao, WG Hayward
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 72 (3), 591-596, 2010
Beyond faces and expertise: Facelike holistic processing of nonface objects in the absence of expertise
M Zhao, HH Bülthoff, I Bülthoff
Psychological science 27 (2), 213-222, 2016
A shape-based account for holistic face processing.
M Zhao, HH Bülthoff, I Bülthoff
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 42 (4), 584, 2016
Integrative processing of invariant aspects of faces: Effect of gender and race processing on identity analysis
M Zhao, WG Hayward
Journal of vision 13 (1:15), 1-18, 2013
Face format at encoding affects the other-race effect in face memory
M Zhao, WG Hayward, I Bülthoff
Journal of vision 14 (9(6)), 1-13, 2014
Processing of configural and componential information in face-selective cortical areas
M Zhao, S Cheung, ACN Wong, G Rhodes, EKS Chan, WWL Chan, ...
Cognitive neuroscience 5 (3-4), 160-167, 2014
Human spatial representation: What we cannot learn from the studies of rodent navigation
M Zhao
Journal of Neurophysiology 120 (5), 2453-2465, 2018
Holistic processing of static and moving faces.
M Zhao, I Bülthoff
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 43 (7), 1020, 2017
Spatial updating during locomotion does not eliminate viewpoint-dependent visual object processing
M Zhao, G Zhou, W Mou, WG Hayward, CB Owen
Visual Cognition 15 (4), 402-419, 2007
The neural coding of face and body orientation in occipitotemporal cortex
C Foster, M Zhao, T Bolkart, MJ Black, A Bartels, I Bülthoff
NeuroImage 246, 118783, 2022
Separated and overlapping neural coding of face and body identity
C Foster, M Zhao, T Bolkart, MJ Black, A Bartels, I Bülthoff
Human Brain Mapping 42 (13), 4242-4260, 2021
No advantage for remembering horizontal over vertical spatial locations learned from a single viewpoint
T Hinterecker, C Leroy, M Zhao, MV Butz, HH Bülthoff, T Meilinger
Memory & cognition 46, 158-171, 2018
Decoding subcategories of human bodies from both body-and face-responsive cortical regions
C Foster, M Zhao, J Romero, MJ Black, BJ Mohler, A Bartels, I Bülthoff
NeuroImage 202, 116085, 2019
Average faces: How does the averaging process change faces physically and perceptually?
I Bülthoff, M Zhao
Cognition 216, 104867, 2021
Non-optimal perceptual decision in human navigation
M Zhao, WH Warren
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41, 2018
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Articles 1–20