James Nutaro
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Cited by
Building software for simulation: theory and algorithms, with applications in C++
JJ Nutaro
John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Integrated hybrid-simulation of electric power and communications systems
J Nutaro, PT Kuruganti, L Miller, S Mullen, M Shankar
2007 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 1-8, 2007
Real-time simulation of power grid disruption
SJ Fernandez, M Shankar, JJ Nutaro, Y Liu, AD Dimitrovski, ...
US Patent App. 13/747,779, 2013
Interfacing power system and ICT simulators: Challenges, state-of-the-art, and case studies
SC Müller, H Georg, JJ Nutaro, E Widl, Y Deng, P Palensky, MU Awais, ...
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (1), 14-24, 2016
Occupancy-based HVAC control with short-term occupancy prediction algorithms for energy-efficient buildings
J Dong, C Winstead, J Nutaro, T Kuruganti
Energies 11 (9), 2427, 2018
Algorithms for efficient implementations of the DEVS & DSDEVS abstract simulators
A Muzy, JJ Nutaro
1st Open International Conference on Modeling & Simulation (OICMS), 273-279, 2005
The impact of market clearing time and price signal delay on the stability of electric power markets
J Nutaro, V Protopopescu
IEEE Transactions on power systems 24 (3), 1337-1345, 2009
Designing power system simulators for the smart grid: Combining controls, communications, and electro-mechanical dynamics
J Nutaro
2011 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 1-5, 2011
Parallel discrete event simulation with application to continuous systems
JJ Nutaro
The University of Arizona., 2003
Unbiased simulation of near-Clifford quantum circuits
RS Bennink, EM Ferragut, TS Humble, JA Laska, JJ Nutaro, ...
Physical Review A 95 (6), 062337, 2017
Coordination and control of building HVAC systems to provide frequency regulation to the electric grid
MM Olama, T Kuruganti, J Nutaro, J Dong
Energies 11 (7), 1852, 2018
Adevs (a discrete event system simulator)
J Nutaro
Arizona Center for Integrative Modeling & Simulation (ACIMS), University of …, 1999
Big data platforms as a service: challenges and approach
J Horey, E Begoli, R Gunasekaran, SH Lim, J Nutaro
4th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud 12), 2012
Simulative comparison of multiprotocol label switching and openflow network technologies for transmission operations
A Sydney, J Nutaro, C Scoglio, D Gruenbacher, N Schulz
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4 (2), 763-770, 2013
Towards a framework for more robust validation and verification of simulation models for systems of systems
BP Zeigler, JJ Nutaro
The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation 13 (1), 3-16, 2016
Discrete event solution of gas dynamics within the EVS framework
J Nutaro, BP Zeigler, R Jammalamadaka, S Akerkar
Computational Science—ICCS 2003: International Conference, Melbourne …, 2003
Integrated modeling of the electric grid, communications, and control
J Nutaro, P Teja Kuruganti, M Shankar, L Miller, S Mullen
International Journal of Energy Sector Management 2 (3), 420-438, 2008
The split system approach to managing time in simulations of hybrid systems having continuous and discrete event components
J Nutaro, PT Kuruganti, V Protopopescu, M Shankar
Simulation 88 (3), 281-298, 2012
Model predictive control of building on/off HVAC systems to compensate fluctuations in solar power generation
J Dong, M Olama, T Kuruganti, J Nutaro, C Winstead, Y Xue, A Melin
2018 9th IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed …, 2018
Peak load reduction and load shaping in HVAC and refrigeration systems in commercial buildings by using a novel lightweight dynamic priority-based control strategy
C Winstead, M Bhandari, J Nutaro, T Kuruganti
Applied Energy 277, 115543, 2020
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Articles 1–20