Ali Can Kaya
Ali Can Kaya
Turkish-German University
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Deformation behavior of open-cell stainless steel foams
AC Kaya, C Fleck
Materials Science and Engineering: A 615, 447-456, 2014
Strain hardening reduces energy absorption efficiency of austenitic stainless steel foams while porosity does not
AC Kaya, P Zaslansky, M Ipekoglu, C Fleck
Materials & Design 143, 297-308, 2018
Tensile failure observations in sintered steel foam struts revealed by sub-micron contrast-enhanced microtomography
AC Kaya, P Zaslansky, A Nikolaus, C Fleck
Materials & Design 105, 190-200, 2016
Analyzing the influence of the investment casting process parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties of open-pore Al–7Si foams
M Firoozbakht, A Blond, G Zimmermann, AC Kaya, C Fleck, ...
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 23, 2123-2135, 2023
In situ shear behavior of open-cell austenitic 316L steel foams
AC Kaya
Materials Chemistry and Physics 252, 123303, 2020
Influence of anisotropy on the deformation behaviour in microtensile 316L steel specimens fabricated by laser powder bed fusion (PBF-LB/M)
AC Kaya, MU Salamci, C Fleck
Materials Science and Engineering: A 863, 144521, 2023
Foams of Gray Cast Iron as Efficient Energy Absorption Structures: A Feasibility Study
CF Ali C. Kaya, Paul Zaslansky, Alexander Rack, Sebastian F. Fischer
Advanced Engineering Materials, 2019
Micro and nano damage observations of martensitic and austenitic open cell cast foams
AC Kaya, J Frömert, N Jost, C Fleck
Materials Science and Engineering: A 860, 144253, 2022
Modeling of complex grey cast iron open‐cell foams revealing insights on failure and deformation on different hierarchical length‐scales
AC Kaya, P Zaslansky, C Fleck
Advanced Engineering Materials, 2021
Mechanical performance of reverse-engineered resin foam structures developed by image processing on the computed tomography data: A revisit
AC Kaya, N Rastanawi, A Korucu
Materials Today Communications 36, 106466, 2023
Effects of the cell number and anisotropy in the open cell metal foams on the energy absorption efficiency
AC Kaya
Pamukkale Univ, 2020
Açık hücreli metal köpüklerde hücre sayısının ve anizotropinin enerji absorbe etme verimliliği üzerine etkisi
AC Kaya
Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 26 (1), 45-50, 2020
Analyzing the influence of the investment casting process parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties of open-pore Ale7Si foams
M Firoozbakht, A Blond, G Zimmermann, AC Kaya, C Fleck, ...
journal of materials research and technology 23 (2123), e2135, 2023
Single steel strut mechanical testing: Challenges and future research directions
AC Kaya, P Zaslansky, S Fischer, C Fleck
Materials Science and Technology 35 (9), 1123-1127, 2019
Modification of open-cell cast aluminum-silicon foams with strontium
M Firoozbakht, A Blond, C Fleck, AC Kaya, A Bührig-Polaczek
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 1002, 175426, 2024
Relation Between Tensile Strut and Compressive Foam Deformation Behavior: Failure Mechanisms and the Influence of Dendritic Versus Globular Grain Structure in an AlSi7Mg0. 3 …
A Blond, M Firoozbakht, A Bührig‐Polaczek, AC Kaya, C Fleck
Advanced Engineering Materials 26 (15), 2400158, 2024
Influence of Additional Strut Elements in 3D Re-Entrant Auxetic Unit Cells on the Damage and Energy Absorption Properties
AC Kaya, A Korucu, M Boğoçlu
Experimental Mechanics 64 (5), 639-653, 2024
Synthesizing of Syntactic A356 Foams Using Vibration-Assisted Gravity Die Casting
AC Kaya, ME Öztürk, AG Işık, İ Erdoğan, MH Sandık
International Journal of Metalcasting, 1-17, 2025
Fabrication of composite polymers with micron size copper and graphite additives in masked stereolithography
AC Kaya, MH Sandık, B Aşçıoğlu Temiztaş
Journal of Materials Research, 1-14, 2024
Fatigue and corrosion‐fatigue behavior of the β‐metastable Ti‐5Al‐5Mo‐5V‐3Cr alloy processed by laser powder bed fusion
EGA Alcântara, R Meinke, S Selve, AC Kaya, C Fleck
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 47 (10), 3832-3847, 2024
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