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Barriers to the employment of welfare recipients
S Danziger, M Corcoran, S Danziger, C Heflin, A Kalil, J Levine, D Rosen, ...
Prosperity for all? The economic boom and African Americans, 245-78, 2000
Housing instability and health: findings from the Michigan Recession and Recovery Study
SA Burgard, KS Seefeldt, S Zelner
Social science & medicine 75 (12), 2215-2224, 2012
How welfare reform is affecting women's work
M Corcoran, SK Danziger, A Kalil, KS Seefeldt
Annual Review of Sociology 26 (1), 241-269, 2000
Barriers to employment and the ‘hard to serve’: Implications for services, sanctions, and time limits
SK Danziger, KS Seefeldt
Social Policy and Society 2 (2), 151-160, 2003
Sanctions and material hardship under TANF
A Kalil, KS Seefeldt, H Wang
Social Service Review 76 (4), 642-662, 2002
Perceived job insecurity and health: the Michigan Recession and Recovery Study
SA Burgard, L Kalousova, KS Seefeldt
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 54 (9), 1101-1106, 2012
Housing instability among current and former welfare recipients
R Phinney, S Danziger, HA Pollack, K Seefeldt
American Journal of Public Health 97 (5), 832-837, 2007
Failing the Transition from Welfare to Work: Women Chronically Disconnected from Employment and Cash Welfare*
LJ Turner, S Danziger, KS Seefeldt
Social Science Quarterly 87 (2), 227-249, 2006
Substance use among welfare recipients: Trends and policy responses
HA Pollack, S Danziger, KS Seefeldt, R Jayakody
Social Service Review 76 (2), 256-274, 2002
Correlates of employment among welfare recipients: Do psychological characteristics and attitudes matter?
A Kalil, HA Schweingruber, KS Seefeldt
American journal of community psychology 29 (5), 701-723, 2001
Getting jobs, keeping jobs, and earning a living wage: Can welfare reform work
A Kalil, M Corcoran, SK Danziger, R Tolman, KS Seefeldt, D Rosen, ...
Institute for Research on Poverty Discussion Paper, 1998
Credit where It's due: Rethinking financial citizenship
FF Wherry, KS Seefeldt, AS Alvarez
Russell Sage Foundation, 2019
To lend or not to lend to friends and kin: Awkwardness, obfuscation, and negative reciprocity
FF Wherry, KS Seefeldt, AS Alvarez
Social Forces 98 (2), 753-793, 2019
Watching the clock tick: Factors associated with TANF accumulation
KS Seefeldt, SM Orzol
Social Work Research 29 (4), 215-229, 2005
Abandoned families: Social isolation in the twenty-first century
KS Seefeldt, K Seefeldt
Russell Sage Foundation, 2016
Constant consumption smoothing, limited investments, and few repayments: The role of debt in the financial lives of economically vulnerable families
KS Seefeldt
Social Service Review 89 (2), 263-300, 2015
Work after prison: One-year findings from the transitional jobs reentry demonstration
J Zweig, AA Young Jr, J Yahner, K Seefeldt, S Muller-Ravett, M Manno, ...
Mixed methods and causal analysis
DJ Harding, KS Seefeldt
Handbook of causal analysis for social research, 91-110, 2013
Ending welfare through work first: Manager and client views
SK Danziger, KS Seefeldt
Families in Society 81 (6), 593-604, 2000
When there is no welfare: The income packaging strategies of mothers without earnings or cash assistance following an economic downturn
KS Seefeldt, H Sandstrom
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 1 (1), 139-158, 2015
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