Andreas Stahlbauer
Andreas Stahlbauer
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Witness validation and stepwise testification across software verifiers
D Beyer, M Dangl, D Dietsch, M Heizmann, A Stahlbauer
Proceedings of the 2015 10th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software …, 2015
Precision reuse for efficient regression verification
D Beyer, S Löwe, E Novikov, A Stahlbauer, P Wendler
Proceedings of the 2013 9th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software …, 2013
Testing scratch programs automatically
A Stahlbauer, M Kreis, G Fraser
Proceedings of the 2019 27th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software …, 2019
Verification witnesses
D Beyer, M Dangl, D Dietsch, M Heizmann, T Lemberger, M Tautschnig
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 31 (4), 1-69, 2022
BDD-based software verification: Applications to event-condition-action systems
D Beyer, A Stahlbauer
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 16, 507-518, 2014
BDD-Based Software Model Checking with CPAchecker
D Beyer, A Stahlbauer
International Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in …, 2012
On-the-fly decomposition of specifications in software model checking
S Apel, D Beyer, V Mordan, V Mutilin, A Stahlbauer
Proceedings of the 2016 24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on …, 2016
Verified from scratch: program analysis for learners' programs
A Stahlbauer, C Frädrich, G Fraser
Proceedings of the 35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated …, 2020
SnapCheck: Automated Testing for Snap! Programs
W Wang, C Zhang, A Stahlbauer, G Fraser, T Price
Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in …, 2021
Android fuzzing: Balancing user-inputs and intents
M Auer, A Stahlbauer, G Fraser
2023 IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST …, 2023
Finding anomalies in scratch assignments
N Körber, K Geldreich, A Stahlbauer, G Fraser
2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2021
Cost of Flaky Tests in Continuous Integration: An Industrial Case Study
F Leinen, D Elsner, A Pretschner, A Stahlbauer, M Sailer, E Jürgens
2024 IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 2024
Reusing precisions for efficient regression verification
D Beyer, S Löwe, E Novikov, A Stahlbauer, P Wendler
arXiv preprint arXiv:1305.6915, 2013
Generating timed ui tests from counterexamples
D Diner, G Fraser, S Schweikl, A Stahlbauer
International Conference on Tests and Proofs, 53-71, 2021
Generating Timed UI Tests from Counterexamples
A Stahlbauer
Tests and Proofs: 15th International Conference, TAP 2021, Held as Part of …, 2021
Abstract Transducers
A Stahlbauer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.07583, 2019
Abstract Transducers for Software Analysis and Verification
A Stahlbauer
Universität Passau, 2019
Том. 13-18-November-2016. FSE 2016-Proceedings of the 2016 24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering.-Сер. FSE 2016-Proceedings of the …
S Apel, A Stahlbauer, D Beyer, V Mordan, V Mutilin, Y Kang, Y Zhou, H Xu, ...
Precision Reuse in CPAchecker.
D Beyer, S Löwe, E Novikov, A Stahlbauer, P Wendler
Software Engineering, 41-42, 2014
ICST 2023
J Offutt, Y Le Traon, PA Soha, T Gergely, P Tasche, P Herber, M Auer, ...
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