Daniel Smilkov
Daniel Smilkov
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Smoothgrad: removing noise by adding noise
D Smilkov, N Thorat, B Kim, F Viégas, M Wattenberg
Workshop on Visualization for Deep Learning, ICML, 2017
Palm 2 technical report
R Anil, AM Dai, O Firat, M Johnson, D Lepikhin, A Passos, S Shakeri, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10403, 2023
Human-centered tools for coping with imperfect algorithms during medical decision-making
CJ Cai, E Reif, N Hegde, J Hipp, B Kim, D Smilkov, M Wattenberg, ...
Proceedings of the 2019 chi conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2019
Visualizing dataflow graphs of deep learning models in tensorflow
K Wongsuphasawat, D Smilkov, J Wexler, J Wilson, D Mane, D Fritz, ...
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 24 (1), 1-12, 2017
Embedding projector: Interactive visualization and interpretation of embeddings
D Smilkov, N Thorat, C Nicholson, E Reif, FB Viégas, M Wattenberg
arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.05469, 2016
Tensorflow.js: Machine learning for the web and beyond
D Smilkov, N Thorat, Y Assogba, A Yuan, N Kreeger, P Yu, K Zhang, ...
SysML conference, 2019
Direct-Manipulation Visualization of Deep Networks
D Smilkov, S Carter, D Sculley, FB Viégas, M Wattenberg
International Conference on Machine Learning 48, 2016
Similar image search for histopathology: SMILY
N Hegde, JD Hipp, Y Liu, M Emmert-Buck, E Reif, D Smilkov, M Terry, ...
NPJ digital medicine 2 (1), 56, 2019
SmoothGrad: removing noise by adding noise. arXiv
D Smilkov, N Thorat, B Kim, F Viégas, M Wattenberg
arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.03825 12, 2017
Generating charts from data in a data table
F Viégas, M Wattenberg, D Smilkov, J Wexler, D Gundrum
US Patent 11,093,703, 2021
Identifying communities by influence dynamics in social networks
A Stanoev, D Smilkov, L Kocarev
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (4 …, 2011
Beyond network structure: How heterogenous susceptibility modulates the spread of epidemics
D Smilkov, CA Hidalgo, L Kocarev
Scientific Reports 4, 2014
Influence of the network topology on epidemic spreading
D Smilkov, L Kocarev
Physical Review E 85 (1), 016114, 2012
Similar medical image search
L Peng, M Stumpe, D Smilkov, J Hipp
US Patent 11,379,516, 2022
Consensus theory in networked systems
A Stanoev, D Smilkov
Consensus and synchronization in complex networks, 1-22, 2013
Rich-club and page-club coefficients for directed graphs
D Smilkov, L Kocarev
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 389 (11), 2290-2299, 2010
Vulnerability of labeled networks
D Trpevski, D Smilkov, I Mishkovski, L Kocarev
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 389 (23), 5538-5549, 2010
Multimedia conferencing system for determining participant engagement
P Dettori, FA Schaffa, D Smilkov, PH Westerink, CW Wu
US Patent 10,586,131, 2020
Non-intrusive Adaptive Multi-media Routing in Peer-to-Peer Multi-party Video Conferencing
D Smilkov, H Zhao, P Dettori, J Nogima, FA Schaffa, P Westerink, CW Wu
Multimedia (ISM), 2010 IEEE International Symposium on, 105-112, 2010
Understanding email communication patterns
D Smilkov
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2014
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