Meesoon Ha
Meesoon Ha
Department of Physics Education, Chosun University
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Finite-size scaling in complex networks
H Hong, M Ha, H Park
Physical review letters 98 (25), 258701, 2007
Critical behavior of the Ising model in annealed scale-free networks
SH Lee, M Ha, H Jeong, JD Noh, H Park
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80 (5 …, 2009
Queuing transitions in the asymmetric simple exclusion process
M Ha, J Timonen, M den Nijs
Physical Review E 68 (5), 056122, 2003
Macroscopic car condensation in a parking garage
M Ha, M den Nijs
Physical Review E 66 (3), 036118, 2002
Generalized epidemic process on modular networks
K Chung, Y Baek, D Kim, M Ha, H Jeong
Physical Review E 89 (5), 052811, 2014
Finite-time quantum Otto engine: Surpassing the quasistatic efficiency due to friction
S Lee, M Ha, JM Park, H Jeong
Physical Review E 101 (2), 022127, 2020
Comment on “Non-Mean-Field Behavior of the Contact Process on Scale-Free Networks”
M Ha, H Hong, H Park
Physical review letters 98 (2), 029801, 2007
Extended finite-size scaling of synchronized coupled oscillators
C Choi, M Ha, B Kahng
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (3 …, 2013
Effect of a columnar defect on the shape of slow-combustion fronts
M Myllys, J Maunuksela, J Merikoski, J Timonen, VK Horvath, M Ha, ...
Physical Review E 68 (5), 051103, 2003
Scaling properties in time-varying networks with memory
H Kim, M Ha, H Jeong
The European Physical Journal B 88 (12), 1-8, 2015
Quantumness and thermodynamic uncertainty relation of the finite-time Otto cycle
S Lee, M Ha, H Jeong
Physical Review E 103 (2), 022136, 2021
Effects of junctional correlations in the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process on random regular networks
Y Baek, M Ha, H Jeong
Physical Review E 90 (6), 062111, 2014
Impact of sequential disorder on the scaling behavior of airplane boarding time
Y Baek, M Ha, H Jeong
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (5 …, 2013
Dynamic topologies of activity-driven temporal networks with memory
H Kim, M Ha, H Jeong
Physical Review E 97 (6), 062148, 2018
Universality classes of the generalized epidemic process on random networks
K Chung, Y Baek, M Ha, H Jeong
Physical Review E 93 (5), 052304, 2016
Boundary-induced abrupt transition in the symmetric exclusion process
A Nagar, M Ha, H Park
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 77 (6 …, 2008
Absorbing states of zero-temperature Glauber dynamics in random networks
Y Baek, M Ha, H Jeong
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (3 …, 2012
Dynamic instability transitions in one-dimensional driven diffusive flow with nonlocal hopping
M Ha, H Park, M den Nijs
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (6 …, 2007
Anomalous scaling behavior in polymer thin film growth by vapor deposition
SW Son, M Ha, H Jeong
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2009 (02), P02031, 2009
Effects of a local defect on one-dimensional nonlinear surface growth
H Soh, Y Baek, M Ha, H Jeong
Physical Review E 95 (4), 042123, 2017
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