Ulrike M Krämer
Ulrike M Krämer
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ISLES 2015-A public evaluation benchmark for ischemic stroke lesion segmentation from multispectral MRI
O Maier, BH Menze, J Von der Gablentz, L Häni, MP Heinrich, M Liebrand, ...
Medical image analysis 35, 250-269, 2017
Altered resting state brain networks in Parkinson’s disease
M Göttlich, TF Münte, M Heldmann, M Kasten, J Hagenah, UM Krämer
PloS one 8 (10), e77336, 2013
Self-assessment of individual differences in language switching
A Rodriguez-Fornells, UM Krämer, U Lorenzo-Seva, J Festman, TF Münte
Frontiers in psychology 2, 388, 2012
Tit-for-tat: the neural basis of reactive aggression
UM Krämer, H Jansma, C Tempelmann, TF Münte
Neuroimage 38 (1), 203-211, 2007
Extra tree forests for sub-acute ischemic stroke lesion segmentation in MR sequences
O Maier, M Wilms, J von der Gablentz, UM Krämer, TF Münte, H Handels
Journal of neuroscience methods 240, 89-100, 2015
Dopamine agonist increases risk taking but blunts reward-related brain activity
J Riba, UM Krämer, M Heldmann, S Richter, TF Münte
PloS one 3 (6), e2479, 2008
Emotional and cognitive aspects of empathy and their relation to social cognition—an fMRI-study
UM Krämer, B Mohammadi, N Doñamayor, A Samii, TF Münte
Brain research 1311, 110-120, 2010
The impact of catechol-O-methyltransferase and dopamine D4 receptor genotypes on neurophysiological markers of performance monitoring
UM Krämer, T Cunillera, E Camara, J Marco-Pallarés, D Cucurell, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (51), 14190-14198, 2007
Decreased limbic and increased fronto‐parietal connectivity in unmedicated patients with obsessive‐compulsive disorder
M Göttlich, UM Krämer, A Kordon, F Hohagen, B Zurowski
Human brain mapping 35 (11), 5617-5632, 2014
Brain oscillatory activity associated with task switching and feedback processing
T Cunillera, L Fuentemilla, J Periañez, J Marco-Pallarès, UM Krämer, ...
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 12, 16-33, 2012
Orbitofrontal cortex reactivity to angry facial expression in a social interaction correlates with aggressive behavior
F Beyer, TF Münte, M Göttlich, UM Krämer
Cerebral cortex 25 (9), 3057-3063, 2015
The role of the lateral prefrontal cortex in inhibitory motor control
UM Krämer, AK Solbakk, I Funderud, M Løvstad, T Endestad, RT Knight
Cortex 49 (3), 837-849, 2013
The effects of COMT (Val108/158Met) and DRD4 (SNP− 521) dopamine genotypes on brain activations related to valence and magnitude of rewards
E Camara, UM Krämer, T Cunillera, J Marco-Pallarés, D Cucurell, ...
Cerebral Cortex 20 (8), 1985-1996, 2010
Genetic variability in the dopamine system (dopamine receptor D4, catechol-O-methyltransferase) modulates neurophysiological responses to gains and losses
J Marco-Pallarés, D Cucurell, T Cunillera, UM Krämer, E Càmara, ...
Biological psychiatry 66 (2), 154-161, 2009
Attending points in time and space
K Lange, UM Krämer, B Röder
Experimental Brain Research 173, 130-140, 2006
Embodied emotion modulates neural signature of performance monitoring
D Wiswede, TF Münte, UM Krämer, J Rüsseler
PLoS One 4 (6), e5754, 2009
When decisions of others matter to me: an electrophysiological analysis
J Marco-Pallarés, UM Krämer, S Strehl, A Schröder, TF Münte
BMC neuroscience 11, 1-8, 2010
Electrophysiological evidence for different inhibitory mechanisms when stopping or changing a planned response
UM Krämer, RT Knight, TF Münte
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 23 (9), 2481-2493, 2011
The social neuroscience of interpersonal emotions
L Müller-Pinzler, S Krach, UM Krämer, FM Paulus
Social behavior from rodents to humans: Neural foundations and clinical …, 2017
Trait aggressiveness modulates neurophysiological correlates of laboratory-induced reactive aggression in humans
UM Krämer, S Büttner, G Roth, TF Münte
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 20 (8), 1464-1477, 2008
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