Steven Beale
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Zitiert von
A review of cell-scale multiphase flow modeling, including water management, in polymer electrolyte fuel cells
M Andersson, SB Beale, M Espinoza, Z Wu, W Lehnert
Applied Energy 180, 757-778, 2016
Radiation heat transfer in planar SOFC electrolytes
KJ Daun, SB Beale, F Liu, GJ Smallwood
Journal of Power Sources 157 (1), 302-310, 2006
A numerical study of unsteady fluid flow in in-line and staggered tube banks
SB Beale, DB Spalding
Journal of Fluids and Structures 13 (6), 723-754, 1999
Continuum scale modelling and complementary experimentation of solid oxide cells
SB Beale, M Andersson, C Boigues-Muñoz, HL Frandsen, Z Lin, ...
Progress in energy and combustion science 85, 100902, 2021
Open-source computational model of a solid oxide fuel cell
SB Beale, HW Choi, JG Pharoah, HK Roth, H Jasak, DH Jeon
Computer physics communications 200, 15-26, 2016
Computer methods for performance prediction in fuel cells
SB Beale, Y Lin, SV Zhubrin, W Dong
Journal of Power Sources 118 (1-2), 79-85, 2003
Three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics modelling and experimental validation of the Jülich Mark-F solid oxide fuel cell stack
RT Nishida, SB Beale, JG Pharoah, LGJ de Haart, L Blum
Journal of Power Sources 373, 203-210, 2018
Numerical study of fluid flow and heat transfer in tube banks with stream-wise periodic boundary conditions
SB Beale, DB Spalding
Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering 22 (4A), 397-416, 1998
Performance predictions in solid oxide fuel cells
Y Lin, SB Beale
Applied mathematical modelling 30 (11), 1485-1496, 2006
Comprehensive computational fluid dynamics model of solid oxide fuel cell stacks
RT Nishida, SB Beale, JG Pharoah
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41 (45), 20592-20605, 2016
Unsteady laminar to turbulent flow in a spacer-filled channel
SM Mojab, A Pollard, JG Pharoah, SB Beale, ES Hanff
Flow, turbulence and combustion 92, 563-577, 2014
Modeling and synchrotron imaging of droplet detachment in gas channels of polymer electrolyte fuel cells
M Andersson, A Mularczyk, A Lamibrac, SB Beale, J Eller, W Lehnert, ...
Journal of power sources 404, 159-171, 2018
A distributed resistance analogy for solid oxide fuel cells
S Beale, SV Zhubrin
CHT-04-Advances in Computational Heat Transfer III. Proceedings of the Third …, 2004
Effective transport properties of the porous electrodes in solid oxide fuel cells
HW Choi, A Berson, JG Pharoah, SB Beale
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of …, 2011
A tribute to DB Spalding and his contributions in science and engineering
V Artemov, SB Beale, G de Vahl Davis, MP Escudier, N Fueyo, ...
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (17-18), 3884-3905, 2009
Calculation procedure for mass transfer in fuel cells
SB Beale
Journal of Power Sources 128 (2), 185-192, 2004
Interface resolving two-phase flow simulations in gas channels relevant for polymer electrolyte fuel cells using the volume of fluid approach
M Andersson, SB Beale, U Reimer, W Lehnert, D Stolten
International journal of hydrogen energy 43 (5), 2961-2976, 2018
Method of grid generation about or within a 3 dimensional object
S Beale
US Patent 5,923,329, 1999
Fluid flow and heat transfer in tube banks
SB Beale
University of London, 1993
Modeling of droplet detachment using dynamic contact angles in polymer electrolyte fuel cell gas channels
M Andersson, V Vukčević, S Zhang, Y Qi, H Jasak, SB Beale, W Lehnert
International journal of hydrogen energy 44 (21), 11088-11096, 2019
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