Tom Reichert
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Cited by
The effects of sexual social marketing appeals on cognitive processing and persuasion
T Reichert, SE Heckler, S Jackson
Journal of advertising 30 (1), 13-27, 2001
An update on sex in magazine advertising: 1983 to 2003
T Reichert, C Carpenter
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 81 (4), 823-837, 2004
Sex in advertising: Perspectives on the erotic appeal
T Reichert, J Lambiase
Routledge, 2014
Sex in advertising research: A review of content, effects, and functions of sexual information in consumer advertising
T Reichert
Annual review of sex research 13 (1), 241-273, 2002
Cheesecake and beefcake: No matter how you slice it, sexual explicitness in advertising continues to increase
T Reichert, J Lambiase, S Morgan, M Carstarphen, S Zavoina
Journalism & mass communication quarterly 76 (1), 7-20, 1999
From numbers to words: Reporting statistical results for the social sciences
S Morgan, T Reichert, TR Harrison
Routledge, 2016
The message is in the metaphor: Assessing the comprehension of metaphors in advertisements
SE Morgan, T Reichert
Journal of advertising 28 (4), 1-12, 1999
Examining the decision to talk with family about organ donation: Applying the theory of motivated information management
WA Afifi, SE Morgan, MT Stephenson, C Morse, T Harrison, T Reichert, ...
Communication Monographs 73 (2), 188-215, 2006
Understanding the role of uncertainty in jealousy experience and expression
WA Afifi, T Reichert
Communication Reports 9 (2), 93-103, 1996
Family discussions about organ donation: how the media influences opinions about donation decisions
SE Morgan, TR Harrison, SD Long, WA Afifi, MS Stephenson, T Reichert
Clinical transplantation 19 (5), 674-682, 2005
The erotic history of advertising
T Reichert
Prometheus Books, 2010
Defining sexually oriented appeals in advertising: A grounded theory investigation.
T Reichert, A Ramirez
Advances in consumer research 27 (1), 2000
The prevalence of sexual imagery in ads targeted to young adults
T Reichert
Journal of Consumer Affairs 37 (2), 403-412, 2003
Sex in consumer culture: The erotic content of media and marketing
T Reichert, J Lambiase
Routledge, 2013
Assessing the influence of gender and sexual self-schema on affective responses to sexual content in advertising
T Reichert, MS LaTour, JY Kim
Journal of current issues & research in advertising 29 (2), 63-77, 2007
Media convergence/management change: The evolving workflow for visual journalists
S Zavoina, T Reichert
The Journal of Media Economics 13 (2), 143-151, 2000
How to get “kissably close”: Examining how advertisers appeal to consumers’ sexual needs and desires
T Reichert, J Lambiase
Sexuality and culture 7, 120-136, 2003
How sex in advertising varies by product category: An analysis of three decades of visual sexual imagery in magazine advertising
T Reichert, CC Childers, LN Reid
Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising 33 (1), 1-19, 2012
A test of media literacy effects and sexual objectification in advertising
T Reichert, MS LaTour, JJ Lambiase, M Adkins
Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising 29 (1), 81-92, 2007
The impact of program context on motivational system activation and subsequent effects on processing a fear appeal
RF Potter, MS LaTour, KA Braun-LaTour, T Reichert
Journal of Advertising 35 (3), 67-80, 2006
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Articles 1–20