Sergey V. Anisimov
Sergey V. Anisimov
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Differentiation of pluripotent embryonic stem cells into cardiomyocytes
KR Boheler, J Czyz, D Tweedie, HT Yang, SV Anisimov, AM Wobus
Circulation research 91 (3), 189-201, 2002
Transplantation of human embryonic stem cell-derived cells to a rat model of Parkinson's disease: effect of in vitro differentiation on graft survival and teratoma formation
A Brederlau, AS Correia, SV Anisimov, M Elmi, G Paul, L Roybon, ...
Stem cells 24 (6), 1433-1440, 2006
Congo red and protein aggregation in neurodegenerative diseases
P Frid, SV Anisimov, N Popovic
Brain research reviews 53 (1), 135-160, 2007
Melatonin as antioxidant, geroprotector and anticarcinogen
VN Anisimov, IG Popovich, MA Zabezhinski, SV Anisimov, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 1757 (5-6), 573-589, 2006
The adult human brain harbors multipotent perivascular mesenchymal stem cells
G Paul, I Özen, NS Christophersen, T Reinbothe, J Bengzon, E Visse, ...
PloS one 7 (4), e35577, 2012
Bone marrow-and subcutaneous adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells: differences and similarities
RI Dmitrieva, IR Minullina, AA Bilibina, OV Tarasova, SV Anisimov, ...
Cell cycle 11 (2), 377-383, 2012
The secretome of mesenchymal stem cells: potential implications for neuroregeneration
G Paul, SV Anisimov
Biochimie 95 (12), 2246-2256, 2013
SAGE identification of gene transcripts with profiles unique to pluripotent mouse R1 embryonic stem cells
SV Anisimov, KV Tarasov, D Tweedie, MD Stern, AM Wobus, KR Boheler
Genomics 79 (2), 169-176, 2002
Stem cell‐based therapy for Parkinson's disease
AS Correia, SV Anisimov, JY Li, P Brundin
Annals of Medicine 37 (7), 487-498, 2005
Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE): 13 years of application in research
SV Anisimov
Current pharmaceutical biotechnology 9 (5), 338-350, 2008
SAGE identification of differentiation responsive genes in P19 embryonic cells induced to form cardiomyocytes in vitro
SV Anisimov, KV Tarasov, D Riordon, AM Wobus, KR Boheler
Mechanisms of development 117 (1-2), 25-74, 2002
Targets of c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase 2-mediated tumor growth regulation revealed by serial analysis of gene expression
O Potapova, SV Anisimov, M Gorospe, RH Dougherty, WA Gaarde, ...
Cancer Research 62 (11), 3257-3263, 2002
Genetic aspects of melatonin biology
SV Anisimov, N Popovic
Reviews in the Neurosciences 15 (3), 209-230, 2004
The effect of bone marrow‐and adipose tissue‐derived mesenchymal stem cell transplantation on myocardial remodelling in the rat model of ischaemic heart failure
AA Karpov, YK Uspenskaya, SM Minasian, MV Puzanov, RI Dmitrieva, ...
International Journal of Experimental Pathology 94 (3), 169-177, 2013
Neurogenic potential of human mesenchymal stem cells isolated from bone marrow, adipose tissue and endometrium: a comparative study
VI Zemelko, IB Kozhukharova, LL Alekseenko, AP Domnina, ...
Cell and Tissue Biology 7, 235-244, 2013
Gln→ Arg 191 polymorphism of paraoxonase and Parkinson’s disease
S Akhmedova, S Anisimov, A Yakimovsky, E Schwartz
Human heredity 49 (3), 178-180, 1999
Age-associated accumulation of the Apolipoprotein C-III gene T-455C polymorphism C allele in a Russian population
SV Anisimov, MV Volkova, LV Lenskaya, VK Khavinson, DV Solovieva, ...
The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical …, 2001
A quantitative and validated SAGE transcriptome reference for adult mouse heart
SV Anisimov, KV Tarasov, MD Stern, EG Lakatta, KR Boheler
Genomics 80 (2), 213-222, 2002
Fibroblast growth factor-20 increases the yield of midbrain dopaminergic neurons derived from human embryonic stem cells
AS Correia, SV Anisimov, L Roybon, JY Li, P Brundin
Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 1, 162, 2007
Galanin and galanin receptors in embryonic stem cells: accidental or essential?
KV Tarasov, YS Tarasova, DG Crider, SV Anisimov, AM Wobus, ...
Neuropeptides 36 (4), 239-245, 2002
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