Dominik Ernst
Dominik Ernst
NHR@FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Code generation for massively parallel phase-field simulations
M Bauer, J Hötzer, D Ernst, J Hammer, M Seiz, H Hierl, J Hönig, H Köstler, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2019
Performance engineering for real and complex tall & skinny matrix multiplication kernels on GPUs
D Ernst, G Hager, J Thies, G Wellein
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 35 (1 …, 2021
Benefits from using mixed precision computations in the ELPA-AEO and ESSEX-II eigensolver projects
A Alvermann, A Basermann, HJ Bungartz, C Carbogno, D Ernst, H Fehske, ...
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 36, 699-717, 2019
PHIST: a pipelined, hybrid-parallel iterative solver toolkit
J Thies, M Röhrig-Zöllner, N Overmars, A Basermann, D Ernst, G Hager, ...
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 46 (4), 1-26, 2020
Chebyshev filter diagonalization on modern manycore processors and GPGPUs
M Kreutzer, D Ernst, AR Bishop, H Fehske, G Hager, K Nakajima, ...
High Performance Computing: 33rd International Conference, ISC High …, 2018
Analytical performance estimation during code generation on modern GPUs
D Ernst, M Holzer, G Hager, M Knorr, G Wellein
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 173, 152-167, 2023
Opening the black box: Performance estimation during code generation for GPUs
D Ernst, G Hager, M Knorr, G Wellein, M Holzer
2021 IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High …, 2021
Alya towards Exascale: Optimal OpenACC Performance of the Navier-Stokes Finite Element Assembly on GPUs
H Owen, D Ernst, T Gruber, O Lemkuhl, G Houzeaux, L Gasparino, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.08777, 2024
Performance engineering for a tall & skinny matrix multiplication kernel on GPUs
D Ernst, G Hager, J Thies, G Wellein
International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 505-515, 2019
KONWIHR Report: Optimizing the Parallel Granular Gas Solver to study the crater formation
A Shakeri, K Nusser, D Ernst, G Hager, G Wellein, T Pöschel
A software framework for Equipping Sparse Solvers for the EXa-scale
J Thies, D Ernst, F Shahzad
Holistic Performance Engineering for Sparse Iterative Solvers
J Thies, D Ernst, M Röhrig-Zöllner
Block Krylov and Jacobi-Davidson methods on heterogenous systems
J Thies, D Ernst, M Röhrig-Zöllner
The Jacobi-Davidson Eigensolver on GPU Clusters
J Thies, D Ernst, M Röhrig-Zöllner
The Block Jacobi-Davidson Eigensolver in PHIST
J Thies, M Röhrig-Zöllner, D Ernst, M Kreutzer, A Basermann, G Hager, ...
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