Matthias Kalkuhl
Matthias Kalkuhl
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Drivers and triggers of international food price spikes and volatility
G Tadasse, B Algieri, M Kalkuhl, J von Braun
Food Policy 47, 117-128, 2014
The impact of climate conditions on economic production. Evidence from a global panel of regions
M Kalkuhl, L Wenz
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 103, 102360, 2020
Learning or lock-in: Optimal technology policies to support mitigation
M Kalkuhl, O Edenhofer, K Lessmann
Resource and Energy Economics 34 (1), 1-23, 2012
Poverty and distributional effects of carbon pricing in low-and middle-income countries–A global comparative analysis
II Dorband, M Jakob, M Kalkuhl, JC Steckel
World Development 115, 246-257, 2019
Renewable energy subsidies: Second-best policy or fatal aberration for mitigation?
M Kalkuhl, O Edenhofer, K Lessmann
Resource and Energy Economics 35 (3), 217-234, 2013
Worldwide acreage and yield response to international price change and volatility: a dynamic panel data analysis for wheat, rice, corn, and soybeans
MG Haile, M Kalkuhl, J von Braun
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98 (1), 172-190, 2016
Teleconnected food supply shocks
CB d’Amour, L Wenz, M Kalkuhl, JC Steckel, F Creutzig
Environmental Research Letters 11 (3), 035007, 2016
Day-to-day temperature variability reduces economic growth
M Kotz, L Wenz, A Stechemesser, M Kalkuhl, A Levermann
Nature Climate Change 11 (4), 319-325, 2021
Climate actions and macro-financial stability: The role of central banks
F Diluiso, B Annicchiarico, M Kalkuhl, JC Minx
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 110, 102548, 2021
Food price volatility and its implications for food security and policy
M Kalkuhl, J Von Braun, M Torero
Springer Nature, 2016
Policy, financing and implementation
C Mitchell, J Sawin, GR Pokharel, DM Kammen, Z Wang, S Fifita, ...
IPCC special report on renewable energy sources and climate change mitigation, -, 2011
Inter‐and intra‐seasonal crop acreage response to international food prices and implications of volatility
MG Haile, M Kalkuhl, J Braun
Agricultural Economics 45 (6), 693-710, 2014
Who are the climate migrants and where do they go? Evidence from rural India
B Sedova, M Kalkuhl
World Development 129, 104848, 2020
Volatile and extreme food prices, food security, and policy: an overview
M Kalkuhl, J Von Braun, M Torero
Food price volatility and its implications for food security and policy, 3-31, 2016
When do increasing carbon taxes accelerate global warming? A note on the green paradox
O Edenhofer, M Kalkuhl
Energy Policy 39 (4), 2208-2212, 2011
Coal transitions—part 1: a systematic map and review of case study learnings from regional, national, and local coal phase-out experiences
F Diluiso, P Walk, N Manych, N Cerutti, V Chipiga, A Workman, C Ayas, ...
Environmental Research Letters 16 (11), 113003, 2021
Food price volatility in developing countries and its determinants
L Kornher, M Kalkuhl
Deutschland auf dem Weg zur Klimaneutralität 2045-Szenarien und Pfade im Modellvergleich (Zusammenfassung)
G Luderer, C Günther, D Sörgel, C Kost, F Benke, C Auer, F Koller, ...
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, 2021
All or nothing: Climate policy when assets can become stranded
M Kalkuhl, JC Steckel, O Edenhofer
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 100, 102214, 2020
Optionen für eine CO2-Preisreform
O Edenhofer, C Flachsland, M Kalkuhl, B Knopf, M Pahle
Arbeitspapier, 2019
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