Klaus Zollner
Klaus Zollner
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Proximity exchange effects in and heterostructures with : Twist angle, layer, and gate dependence
K Zollner, PE Faria Junior, J Fabian
Physical Review B 100 (8), 085128, 2019
Strain-tunable orbital, spin-orbit, and optical properties of monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides
K Zollner, PEF Junior, J Fabian
Physical Review B 100 (19), 195126, 2019
Proximity spin–orbit torque on a two-dimensional magnet within van der Waals heterostructure: current-driven antiferromagnet-to-ferromagnet reversible nonequilibrium phase …
K Dolui, MD Petrovic, K Zollner, P Plechac, J Fabian, BK Nikolic
Nano letters 20 (4), 2288-2295, 2020
Theory of proximity-induced exchange coupling in graphene on hBN/(Co, Ni)
K Zollner, M Gmitra, T Frank, J Fabian
Physical Review B 94 (15), 155441, 2016
Quantum anomalous hall effects in graphene from proximity-induced uniform and staggered spin-orbit and exchange coupling
P Högl, T Frank, K Zollner, D Kochan, M Gmitra, J Fabian
Physical Review Letters 124 (13), 136403, 2020
Magnetic proximity in a van der Waals heterostructure of magnetic insulator and graphene
B Karpiak, AW Cummings, K Zollner, M Vila, D Khokhriakov, AM Hoque, ...
2D Materials 7 (1), 015026, 2019
Twist-angle dependent proximity induced spin-orbit coupling in graphene/transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures
T Naimer, K Zollner, M Gmitra, J Fabian
Physical Review B 104 (19), 195156, 2021
Heterostructures of graphene and hBN: Electronic, spin-orbit, and spin relaxation properties from first principles
K Zollner, M Gmitra, J Fabian
Physical Review B 99 (12), 125151, 2019
Electrically tunable exchange splitting in bilayer graphene on monolayer Cr2X2Te6 with X= Ge, Si, and Sn
K Zollner, M Gmitra, J Fabian
New Journal of Physics 20 (7), 073007, 2018
Swapping exchange and spin-orbit coupling in 2d van der waals heterostructures
K Zollner, M Gmitra, J Fabian
Physical review letters 125 (19), 196402, 2020
Scattering-induced and highly tunable by gate damping-like spin-orbit torque in graphene doubly proximitized by two-dimensional magnet and monolayer …
K Zollner, MD Petrović, K Dolui, P Plecháč, BK Nikolić, J Fabian
Physical Review Research 2 (4), 043057, 2020
Giant proximity exchange and valley splitting in transition metal dichalcogenide//(Co, Ni) heterostructures
K Zollner, PE Faria Junior, J Fabian
Physical Review B 101 (8), 085112, 2020
All-electrical creation and control of spin-galvanic signal in graphene and molybdenum ditelluride heterostructures at room temperature
AM Hoque, D Khokhriakov, K Zollner, B Zhao, B Karpiak, J Fabian, ...
Communications Physics 4 (1), 1-9, 2021
First-principles insights into the spin-valley physics of strained transition metal dichalcogenides monolayers
PEF Junior, K Zollner, T Woźniak, M Kurpas, M Gmitra, J Fabian
New Journal of Physics 24 (8), 083004, 2022
Spin-orbit coupling in methyl functionalized graphene
K Zollner, T Frank, S Irmer, M Gmitra, D Kochan, J Fabian
Physical Review B 93 (4), 045423, 2016
Strain-Induced Exciton Hybridization in Monolayers Unveiled by Zeeman-Splitting Measurements
E Blundo, PEF Junior, A Surrente, G Pettinari, MA Prosnikov, ...
Physical Review Letters 129 (6), 067402, 2022
Engineering Proximity Exchange by Twisting: Reversal of Ferromagnetic and Emergence of Antiferromagnetic Dirac Bands in
K Zollner, J Fabian
Physical Review Letters 128 (10), 106401, 2022
Bilayer graphene encapsulated within monolayers of WS or CrGeTe: Tunable proximity spin-orbit or exchange coupling
K Zollner, J Fabian
Physical Review B 104 (7), 075126, 2021
Heterostructures of Graphene and Topological Insulators Bi2Se3, Bi2Te3, and Sb2Te3
K Zollner, J Fabian
physica status solidi (b) 258 (1), 2000081, 2021
Single and bilayer graphene on the topological insulator : Electronic and spin-orbit properties from first principles
K Zollner, J Fabian
Physical Review B 100 (16), 165141, 2019
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Articles 1–20