Daniel Ziggel
Daniel Ziggel
Quasol GmbH
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A new set of improved Value-at-Risk backtests
D Ziggel, T Berens, GNF Weiß, D Wied
Journal of Banking & Finance 48, 29-41, 2014
New tests for jumps in semimartingale models
M Podolskij, D Ziggel
Statistical inference for stochastic processes 13, 15-41, 2010
A new fluctuation test for constant variances with applications to finance
D Wied, M Arnold, N Bissantz, D Ziggel
Metrika 75, 1111-1127, 2012
Evaluating Value-at-Risk forecasts: A new set of multivariate backtests
D Wied, GNF Weiß, D Ziggel
Journal of Banking & Finance 72, 121-132, 2016
On the application of new tests for structural changes on global minimum-variance portfolios
D Wied, D Ziggel, T Berens
Statistical Papers 54, 955-975, 2013
New backtests for unconditional coverage of expected shortfall
R Löser, D Wied, D Ziggel
Journal of Risk 21 (4), 1-21, 2018
Stabilität von diversifikationseffekten im Markowitz-Modell
N Bissantz, V Steinorth, D Ziggel
AStA Wirtschafts-und Sozialstatistisches Archiv 5 (2), 145-157, 2011
Bootstrapping bipower variation
M Podolskij, D Ziggel
Economics papers, Ruhr-University Bochum, 2007
Constructing a passive global stock market portfolio from a multigenerational family office perspective
D Ziggel, C Armbruester
The Journal of Wealth Management 19 (2), 89-99, 2016
A range-based test for the parametric form of the volatility in diffusion models
M Podolskij, D Ziggel
CREATES Research Paper 22, 2008
An innovative risk management methodology for trading equity indices based on change points
J Gösmann, D Ziggel
Journal of Asset Management 19, 99-109, 2018
Spatial orientation of the Philippine bent-toed gecko (Cyrtodactylus philippinicus) in relation to its home range
C Marek, N Bissantz, E Curio, A Siegert, B Tacud, D Ziggel
Salamandra 46, 93-97, 2010
Estimation Window Strategies for Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall Forecasting
T Berens, GNF Weiss, D Ziggel
Journal of Risk 20 (5), 33-82, 2018
Über die Anwendbarkeit eines neuen Fluktuationstests für Korrelationen auf Finanzzeitreihen
D Wied, M Arnold, N Bissantz, D Ziggel
AStA Wirtschafts-und Sozialstatistisches Archiv 6 (3-4), 87-103, 2013
An empirical study of correlation and volatility changes of stock indices and their impact on risk figures
D Ziggel, N Bissantz, K Bissantz
Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica 7 (4), 2011
Automated Portfolio Optimization Based on a New Test for Structural Breaks
T Berens, D Wied, D Ziggel
Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica 10 (2), 2014
Reference class selection in similarity‐based forecasting of corporate sales growth
E Theising, D Wied, D Ziggel
Journal of Forecasting, 2022
Discount curve estimation by monotonizing McCulloch Splines
H Dette, D Ziggel
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 11 (05), 529-544, 2008
Private Lending as a Source of Fixed-Income Yields
D Ziggel, C Armbruester, J Gösmann, T Tardif
The Journal of Wealth Management 20 (3), 33-44, 2017
Practical Applications of Constructing a Passive Global Stock Market Portfolio from a Multigenerational Family Office Perspective
D Ziggel, C Armbruester
Practical Applications 4 (3), 1-4, 2017
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