Ronak Kosti
Ronak Kosti
Senior ML Scientist
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Context based emotion recognition using emotic dataset
R Kosti, JM Alvarez, A Recasens, A Lapedriza
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 42 (11), 2755 …, 2019
Emotion recognition in context
R Kosti, JM Alvarez, A Recasens, A Lapedriza
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017
Emotic: Emotions in context dataset
R Kosti, JM Alvarez, A Recasens, A Lapedriza
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017
Recognizing characters in art history using deep learning
P Madhu, R Kosti, L Mührenberg, P Bell, A Maier, V Christlein
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Structuring and Understanding of …, 2019
Adapt everywhere: unsupervised adaptation of point-clouds and entropy minimization for multi-modal cardiac image segmentation
S Vesal, M Gu, R Kosti, A Maier, N Ravikumar
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 40 (7), 1838-1851, 2021
Understanding Compositional Structures in Art Historical Images Using Pose and Gaze Priors: Towards Scene Understanding in Digital Art History
P Madhu, T Marquart, R Kosti, P Bell, A Maier, V Christlein
European Conference on Computer Vision, 109-125, 2020
Enhancing human pose estimation in ancient vase paintings via perceptually-grounded style transfer learning
P Madhu, A Villar-Corrales, R Kosti, T Bendschus, C Reinhardt, P Bell, ...
ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 16 (1), 1-17, 2022
Few-shot unsupervised domain adaptation for multi-modal cardiac image segmentation
M Gu, S Vesal, R Kosti, A Maier
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2022: Proceedings, German Workshop on …, 2022
Odor: The icpr2022 odeuropa challenge on olfactory object recognition
M Zinnen, P Madhu, R Kosti, P Bell, A Maier, V Christlein
2022 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 4989-4994, 2022
One-shot object detection in heterogeneous artwork datasets
P Madhu, A Meyer, M Zinnen, L Mührenberg, D Suckow, T Bendschus, ...
2022 Eleventh International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and …, 2022
ICC++: Explainable feature learning for art history using image compositions
P Madhu, T Marquart, R Kosti, D Suckow, P Bell, A Maier, V Christlein
Pattern Recognition 136, 109153, 2023
The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
R Kosti
Towards image caption generation for art historical data
J Gupta, P Madhu, R Kosti, P Bell, A Maier, V Christlein
Proceedings of the AI Methods for Digital Heritage, Workshop at KI2020 43rd …, 2020
ARIN: adaptive resampling and instance normalization for robust blind inpainting of Dunhuang cave paintings
A Schmidt, P Madhu, A Maier, V Christlein, R Kosti
2022 Eleventh international conference on image processing theory, tools and …, 2022
Confuda: Contrastive fewshot unsupervised domain adaptation for medical image segmentation
M Gu, S Vesal, M Thies, Z Pan, F Wagner, M Rusu, A Maier, R Kosti
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.03888, 2022
Visual scene context in emotion perception
R Kosti
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2019
Supervised Contrastive Learning for Robust and Efficient Multi-modal Emotion and Sentiment Analysis
A Gomaa, A Maier, R Kosti
2022 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2423-2429, 2022
Deep Learning based Attribute Representation in Ancient Vase Paintings.
P Madhu, R Kosti, T Bendschus, C Reinhardt, V Christlein, AK Maier, ...
DH, 2020
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Using Soft-Labeled Contrastive Learning with Reversed Monte Carlo Method for Cardiac Image Segmentation
M Gu, M Thies, S Mei, F Wagner, M Fan, Y Sun, Z Pan, S Vesal, R Kosti, ...
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2024
SUMAC'23: 5th Workshop on the analySis, Understanding and proMotion of heritAge Contents: Advances in Machine Learning, Signal Processing, Multimodal Techniques and Human …
V Gouet-Brunet, R Kosti, L Weng
Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 9718-9720, 2023
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Articles 1–20