Douglas Bennett
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Review of superconducting transition-edge sensors for x-ray and gamma-ray spectroscopy
JN Ullom, DA Bennett
Superconductor Science and Technology 28 (8), 084003, 2015
HOLMES: The electron capture decay of Ho to measure the electron neutrino mass with sub-eV sensitivity
B Alpert, M Balata, D Bennett, M Biasotti, C Boragno, C Brofferio, ...
The European Physical Journal C 75, 1-11, 2015
Developments in time-division multiplexing of x-ray transition-edge sensors
WB Doriese, KM Morgan, DA Bennett, EV Denison, CP Fitzgerald, ...
Journal of low temperature physics 184, 389-395, 2016
A practical superconducting-microcalorimeter X-ray spectrometer for beamline and laboratory science
WB Doriese, P Abbamonte, BK Alpert, DA Bennett, EV Denison, Y Fang, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 88 (5), 2017
A high resolution gamma-ray spectrometer based on superconducting microcalorimeters
DA Bennett, RD Horansky, DR Schmidt, AS Hoover, R Winkler, BK Alpert, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 83 (9), 093113-093113-14, 2012
Simultaneous readout of 128 X-ray and gamma-ray transition-edge microcalorimeters using microwave SQUID multiplexing
JAB Mates, DT Becker, DA Bennett, BJ Dober, JD Gard, JP Hays-Wehle, ...
Applied Physics Letters 111 (6), 2017
High-resolution X-ray emission spectroscopy with transition-edge sensors: present performance and future potential
J Uhlig, WB Doriese, JW Fowler, DS Swetz, C Jaye, DA Fischer, ...
Journal of synchrotron radiation 22 (3), 766-775, 2015
High-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy with a microwave-multiplexed transition-edge sensor array
O Noroozian, JAB Mates, DA Bennett, JA Brevik, JW Fowler, J Gao, ...
Applied Physics Letters 103 (20), 2013
Substrate and process dependent losses in superconducting thin film resonators
W Chen, DA Bennett, V Patel, JE Lukens
Superconductor Science and Technology 21 (7), 075013, 2008
Highly-multiplexed microwave SQUID readout using the SLAC Microresonator Radio Frequency (SMuRF) electronics for future CMB and sub-millimeter surveys
SW Henderson, Z Ahmed, J Austermann, D Becker, DA Bennett, D Brown, ...
Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation …, 2018
Induced anisotropy and positive exchange bias: A temperature, angular, and cooling field study by ferromagnetic resonance
MJ Pechan, D Bennett, N Teng, C Leighton, J Nogués, IK Schuller
Physical Review B 65 (6), 064410, 2002
Microwave SQUID multiplexer demonstration for cosmic microwave background imagers
B Dober, DT Becker, DA Bennett, SA Bryan, SM Duff, JD Gard, ...
Applied physics letters 111 (24), 243510, 2017
Large-area microcalorimeter detectors for ultra-high-resolution x-ray and gamma-ray spectroscopy
MK Bacrania, AS Hoover, PJ Karpius, MW Rabin, CR Rudy, DT Vo, ...
Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on 56 (4), 2299-2302, 2009
Lynx x-ray microcalorimeter
SR Bandler, JA Chervenak, AM Datesman, AM Devasia, M DiPirro, ...
Journal of astronomical telescopes, instruments, and systems 5 (2), 021017 …, 2019
Code-division-multiplexed readout of large arrays of TES microcalorimeters
KM Morgan, BK Alpert, DA Bennett, EV Denison, WB Doriese, JW Fowler, ...
Applied Physics Letters 109 (11), 2016
Soft X-ray spectroscopy with transition-edge sensors at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource beamline 10-1
SJ Lee, CJ Titus, R Alonso Mori, ML Baker, DA Bennett, HM Cho, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 90 (11), 2019
Transition-edge sensor pixel parameter design of the microcalorimeter array for the x-ray integral field unit on Athena
SJ Smith, JS Adams, SR Bandler, GL Betancourt-Martinez, JA Chervenak, ...
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray 9905 …, 2016
The HOLMES experiment
M Faverzani, B Alpert, D Backer, D Bennet, M Biasotti, C Brofferio, ...
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 184, 922-929, 2016
Table-top ultrafast x-ray microcalorimeter spectrometry for molecular structure
J Uhlig, W Fullagar, JN Ullom, WB Doriese, JW Fowler, DS Swetz, ...
Physical review letters 110 (13), 138302, 2013
A microwave SQUID multiplexer optimized for bolometric applications
B Dober, Z Ahmed, K Arnold, DT Becker, DA Bennett, JA Connors, ...
Applied Physics Letters 118 (6), 2021
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Articles 1–20