Sven Hellbach
Sven Hellbach
Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau
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Task-level imitation learning using variance-based movement optimization
M Muhlig, M Gienger, S Hellbach, JJ Steil, C Goerick
2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1177-1184, 2009
Large scale place recognition in 2D LIDAR scans using geometrical landmark relations
M Himstedt, J Frost, S Hellbach, HJ Böhme, E Maehle
2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2014
An insect-inspired bionic sensor for tactile localization and material classification with state-dependent modulation
L Patanè, S Hellbach, AF Krause, P Arena, V Dürr
Frontiers in Neurorobotics 6, 8, 2012
Sparse coding of human motion trajectories with non-negative matrix factorization
C Vollmer, S Hellbach, J Eggert, HM Gross
Neurocomputing 124, 22-32, 2014
Whom to talk to? Estimating user interest from movement trajectories
S Muller, S Hellbach, E Schaffernicht, A Ober, A Scheidig, HM Gross
RO-MAN 2008-The 17th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human …, 2008
Laboratory via Internet—New ways in education and research
K Henke, HD Wuttke, S Hellbach
International Journal of Computers and Applications 25 (3), 157-163, 2003
Echo State Networks for Online Prediction of Movement Data–Comparing Investigations
S Hellbach, S Strauss, JP Eggert, E Körner, HM Gross
Artificial Neural Networks-ICANN 2008: 18th International Conference, Prague …, 2008
Time series analysis for long term prediction of human movement trajectories
S Hellbach, JP Eggert, E Körner, HM Gross
International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 567-574, 2008
Feel like an insect: A bio-inspired tactile sensor system
S Hellbach, AF Krause, V Dürr
Neural Information Processing. Models and Applications: 17th International …, 2010
Basis decomposition of motion trajectories using spatio-temporal nmf
S Hellbach, JP Eggert, E Körner, HM Gross
Artificial Neural Networks–ICANN 2009: 19th International Conference …, 2009
A robust graph-based framework for building precise maps from laser range scans
M Himstedt, S Keil, S Hellbach, HJ Böhme
ICRA, Workshop on Robust and Multimodal Inference in Factor Graphs 30, 2013
Tactile conditioning and movement analysis of antennal sampling strategies in honey bees (Apis mellifera L.)
S Mujagić, SM Würth, S Hellbach, V Dürr
Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, 50179, 2012
Wizard of Oz revisited: Researching on a tour guide robot while being faced with the public
P Poschmann, M Donner, F Bahrmann, M Rudolph, J Fonfara, S Hellbach, ...
2012 IEEE RO-MAN: The 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human …, 2012
Awakening history: Preparing a museum tour guide robot for augmenting exhibits
M Donner, M Himstedt, S Hellbach, HJ Boehme
2013 European Conference on Mobile Robots, 337-342, 2013
What's around me: Towards non-negative matrix factorization based localization
S Hellbach, M Himstedt, HJ Boehme
2013 European Conference on Mobile Robots, 228-233, 2013
Multi-modal people tracking for an awareness behavior of an interactive tour-guide robot
P Poschmann, S Hellbach, HJ Böhme
Intelligent Robotics and Applications: 5th International Conference, ICIRA …, 2012
Some room for GLVQ: semantic labeling of occupancy grid maps
S Hellbach, M Himstedt, F Bahrmann, M Riedel, T Villmann, HJ Böhme
Advances in Self-Organizing Maps and Learning Vector Quantization …, 2014
Please tell me where I am: A fundament for a semantic labeling approach
F Bahrmann, S Hellbach, HJ Böhme
Poster and Demo Track KI-2012, 2012
Modeling human movements with self-organizing maps using adaptive metrics
M Klingner, S Hellbach, M Kästner, T Villmann, HJ Böhme
Proceedings of Workshop New Challenges in Neural Computation, 2012
RoNiSCo: Robotic Night Shift Companion
F Lischke, F Bahrmann, S Hellbach, HJ Böhme
Bilateral Student Workshop CTU Prague, 33, 2017
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