Richard P Meier
Richard P Meier
Professor of Linguistics, University of Texas at Austin
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Cited by
Cited by
The acquisition of American sign language
EL Newport, RP Meier
The crosslinguistic study of language acquisition, 881-938, 2017
Structural packaging in the input to language learning: Contributions of prosodic and morphological marking of phrases to the acquisition of language
JL Morgan, RP Meier, EL Newport
Cognitive psychology 19 (4), 498-550, 1987
Person deixis in American Sign Language
RP Meier
Theoretical issues in sign language research 1, 1990
Out of the hands of babes: On a possible sign advantage in language acquisition
RP Meier, EL Newport
Language, 1-23, 1990
Why different, why the same? Explaining effects and non-effects of modality upon linguistic structure in sign and speech
RP Meier
Modality and structure in signed and spoken languages, 1-25, 2002
Language acquisition by deaf children
RP Meier
American Scientist 79 (1), 60-70, 1991
Modality and structure in signed and spoken languages
RP Meier, K Cormier, D Quinto-Pozos
Cambridge University Press, 2002
On the linguistic status of ‘agreement’in sign languages
D Lillo-Martin, RP Meier
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 37 (3-4), 95-141, 2011
Icons, Analogues, and Morphemes: The Acquisition of Verb Agrement in American Sign Language
RP Meier
University of California, San Diego, 1982
Reproducible research in linguistics: A position statement on data citation and attribution in our field
AL Berez-Kroeker, L Gawne, SS Kung, BF Kelly, T Heston, G Holton, ...
Linguistics 56 (1), 1-18, 2018
The acquisition of first signs: Place, handshape, and movement
KE Conlin, GR Mirus, C Mauk, RP Meier
Language acquisition by eye, 51-69, 2000
Child-directed signing in American sign language
AS Holzrichter, RP Meier
Language acquisition by eye, 25-40, 2000
The form of children's early signs: Iconic or motoric determinants?
RP Meier, CE Mauk, A Cheek, CJ Moreland
Language learning and development 4 (1), 63-98, 2008
Elicited imitation of verb agreement in American Sign Language: Iconically or morphologically determined?
RP Meier
Journal of Memory and Language 26 (3), 362-376, 1987
Prelinguistic gesture predicts mastery and error in the production of early signs
A Cheek, K Cormier, A Repp, RP Meier
Language, 292-323, 2001
Facilitating the acquisition of syntax with cross-sentential cues to phrase structure
JL Morgan, RP Meier, EL Newport
Journal of Memory and Language 28 (3), 360-374, 1989
The acquisition of verb agreement
RP Meier
Directions in sign language acquisition 2, 115, 2002
A crosslinguistic examination of the lexicons of four signed languages
AM Currie, R Meier, K Walters
Modality and structure in signed and spoken languages, 224-36, 2002
Prelinguistic gesture in deaf and hearing infants
RP Meier, R Willerman
Language, gesture, and space, 401-420, 2013
Bringing up baby with baby signs: Language ideologies and socialization in hearing families
G Pizer, K Walters, RP Meier
Sign language studies 7 (4), 387-430, 2007
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Articles 1–20