Max Limper
Max Limper
DGG, Darmstadt, Germany (
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Cited by
The pop buffer: Rapid progressive clustering by geometry quantization
M Limper, Y Jung, J Behr, M Alexa
Computer Graphics Forum 32 (7), 197-206, 2013
Fast delivery of 3d web content: A case study
M Limper, S Wagner, C Stein, Y Jung, A Stork
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, 11-17, 2013
SRC-a streamable format for generalized web-based 3D data transmission
M Limper, M Thöner, J Behr, DW Fellner
Proceedings of the 19th International ACM Conference on 3D Web Technologies …, 2014
Spatial data structures for accelerated 3D visibility computation to enable large model visualization on the web
C Stein, M Limper, A Kuijper
Proceedings of the 19th International ACM Conference on 3D Web Technologies …, 2014
Box cutter: atlas refinement for efficient packing via void elimination
M Limper, N Vining, A Sheffer
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 37 (4), 153, 2018
Mesh Saliency Analysis via Local Curvature Entropy.
M Limper, A Kuijper, DW Fellner
Eurographics (Short Papers), 13-16, 2016
webvis/instant3dhub: Visual computing as a service infrastructure to deliver adaptive, secure and scalable user centric data visualisation
J Behr, C Mouton, S Parfouru, J Champeau, C Jeulin, M Thöner, C Stein, ...
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, 39-47, 2015
Fast, progressive loading of binary-encoded declarative-3D web content
M Limper, Y Jung, J Behr, T Sturm, T Franke, K Schwenk, A Kuijper
IEEE computer graphics and applications 33 (5), 26-36, 2013
Enhancing the plant layout design process using X3DOM and a scalable web3D service architecture
C Mouton, S Parfouru, C Jeulin, C Dutertre, JL Goblet, T Paviot, S Lamouri, ...
Proceedings of the 19th international ACM conference on 3D web technologies …, 2014
A unified GLTF/X3D extension to bring physically-based rendering to the web
T Sturm, M Sousa, M Thöner, M Limper
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Web3D Technology, 117-125, 2016
hare3d-rendering large models in the browser
C Stein, M Limper, M Thöner, J Behr
WebGL Insights 317, 2015
Fast and efficient vertex data representations for the web
Y Jung, M Limper, P Herzig, K Schwenk, J Behr
International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and …, 2013
Extending a distributed virtual reality system with exchangeable rendering back-ends
K Schwenk, G Voß, J Behr, Y Jung, M Limper, P Herzig, A Kuijper
The Visual Computer 29 (10), 1039-1049, 2013
Automatic Optimization of 3D Mesh Data for Real-Time Online Presentation
M Limper
Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2018
MoST: a 3D web architectural style for hybrid model data
J Behr, M Limper, T Sturm
Proceedings of the 23rd International ACM Conference on 3D Web Technology, 1-8, 2018
P Cozzi, T Fili, K Ninomiya, M Limper, M Thöner
A plant engineering" digital rosetta stone" towards data-centric multidimensional CAD web portal
S Parfouru, C Mouton, M Limper, J Behr
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Web3D Technology, 181-182, 2016
Evaluating 3D thumbnails for virtual object galleries
M Limper, F Brandherm, DW Fellner, A Kuijper
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, 17-24, 2015
Efficient Global Registration for Nominal/Actual Comparisons.
S Berkei, M Limper, C Hörr, A Kuijper
VMV, 71-78, 2018
Web-Based Delivery of 3D Mesh Data for Real-World Visual Computing Applications
M Limper, J Behr, DW Fellner
Digital Representations of the Real World: How to Capture, Model, and Render …, 2015
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Articles 1–20