Chandra Kant Kaithwas
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Microstructure engineering by dispersing nano-spheroid cementite in ultrafine-grained ferrite and its implications on strength-ductility relationship in high carbon steel
C Prasad, P Bhuyan, C Kaithwas, R Saha, S Mandal
Materials & Design 139, 324-335, 2018
Microstructure evolution during low-strain thermo-mechanical processing and its repercussion on intergranular corrosion in alloy 600H
CK Kaithwas, P Bhuyan, SK Pradhan, S Mandal
Materials Characterization 145, 582-593, 2018
Strain-annealing based grain boundary engineering to evaluate its sole implication on intergranular corrosion in extra-low carbon type 304L austenitic stainless steel
SK Pradhan, P Bhuyan, C Kaithwas, S Mandal
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 49, 2817-2831, 2018
‘Hall-Petch’type of relationship between the extent of intergranular corrosion and grain size in a Ni-based superalloy
CK Kaithwas, P Bhuyan, SK Pradhan, S Mandal
Corrosion Science 175, 108868, 2020
Assessing the potential of sparsely nucleated recrystallized grains to lead grain boundary engineering during extending annealing in Alloy 600H
CK Kaithwas, P Bhuyan, S Mandal
Materials Characterization 168, 110538, 2020
A review on thermo‐mechanical durability of glass fiber/polymer composites in water
S Priyadarshini, LK Singh, CK Kaithwas, S Soren
Macromolecular Symposia 407 (1), 2200124, 2023
Development of high capacity Na0. 7 (Ni0. 4Mn0. 4Co0. 1Fe0. 1) O2 cathode material for sodium ion batteries
CK Kaithwas, TK Kundu
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 75 (1), 012008, 2015
Introduction to thermoplastic polymer composites: applications, advantages, and drawbacks
DK Rao, P Sharma, V Kumar, PK Agarwal, CK Kaithwas
Dynamic Mechanical and Creep-Recovery Behavior of Polymer-Based Composites, 1-9, 2024
On the role of grain size variation on pitting corrosion and passive film behavior of Alloy 600H
CK Kaithwas, LR Bairi, YH Mozumder, SK Pradhan, S Mandal
Materials and Corrosion 74 (6), 929-942, 2023
Implications of Thermal and Thermo-Mechanical Processing Induced Microstructural Evolution on Intergranular and Pitting Corrosion Behavior in Alloy 600H
CK Kaithwas
IIT Kharagpur, 2021
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