Haomin Chen
Haomin Chen
Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University
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Explainable medical imaging AI needs human-centered design: guidelines and evidence from a systematic review
H Chen, C Gomez, CM Huang, M Unberath
NPJ digital medicine 5 (1), 156, 2022
Deep hierarchical multi-label classification of chest X-ray images
H Chen, S Miao, D Xu, GD Hager, AP Harrison
International conference on medical imaging with deep learning, 109-120, 2019
Anatomy-aware siamese network: Exploiting semantic asymmetry for accurate pelvic fracture detection in x-ray images
H Chen, Y Wang, K Zheng, W Li, CT Chang, AP Harrison, J Xiao, ...
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …, 2020
Deep hiearchical multi-label classification applied to chest X-ray abnormality taxonomies
H Chen, S Miao, D Xu, GD Hager, AP Harrison
Medical image analysis 66, 101811, 2020
Toward automated interpretable AAST grading for blunt splenic injury
H Chen, M Unberath, D Dreizin
Emergency radiology 30 (1), 41-50, 2023
Gene expression profile prediction in uveal melanoma using deep learning: a pilot study for the development of an alternative survival prediction tool
TYA Liu, H Zhu, H Chen, JF Arevalo, FK Hui, HY Paul, J Wei, M Unberath, ...
Ophthalmology Retina 4 (12), 1213-1215, 2020
A pilot study of deep learning-based CT volumetry for traumatic hemothorax
D Dreizin, B Nixon, J Hu, B Albert, C Yan, G Yang, H Chen, Y Liang, ...
Emergency radiology 29 (6), 995-1002, 2022
Direct gene expression profile prediction for uveal melanoma from digital cytopathology images via deep learning and salient image region identification
TYA Liu, H Chen, C Gomez, ZM Correa, M Unberath
Ophthalmology science 3 (1), 100240, 2023
A vendor-agnostic, PACS integrated, and DICOM-compatible software-server pipeline for testing segmentation algorithms within the clinical radiology workflow
L Zhang, W LaBelle, M Unberath, H Chen, J Hu, G Li, D Dreizin
Frontiers in Medicine 10, 1241570, 2023
An interactive approach to region of interest selection in cytologic analysis of uveal melanoma based on unsupervised clustering
H Chen, TYA Liu, Z Correa, M Unberath
Ophthalmic Medical Image Analysis: 7th International Workshop, OMIA 2020 …, 2020
An interpretable Algorithm for uveal melanoma subtyping from whole slide cytology images
H Chen, TY Liu, C Gomez, Z Correa, M Unberath
arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.06246, 2021
An ASER AI/ML expert panel formative user research study for an interpretable interactive splenic AAST grading graphical user interface prototype
N Sarkar, M Kumagai, S Meyr, S Pothapragada, M Unberath, G Li, ...
Emergency Radiology 31 (2), 167-178, 2024
Predicting the Gene Expression Profile of Uveal Melanoma Fom Digital Cytopathology via Salient Image Region Identification
TY Liu, H Chen, C Gomez, Z Correa, M Unberath
Haomin and Gomez, Catalina and Correa, Zelia and Unberath, Mathias …, 2021
Interpretable Severity Scoring of Pelvic Trauma Through Automated Fracture Detection and Bayesian Inference
H Chen, D Dreizin, C Gomez, A Zapaishchykova, M Unberath
IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 2024
Predicting 48-month survival status in patients with uveal melanoma using deep learning
A Kolchinski, H Chen, M Unberath, ZM Correa, A Liu
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 65 (7), 2238-2238, 2024
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