Veronika Shabanova
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Driving experience, crashes and traffic citations of teenage beginning drivers
AT McCartt, VI Shabanova, WA Leaf
Accident Analysis & Prevention 35 (3), 311-320, 2003
US national trends in pediatric deaths from prescription and illicit opioids, 1999-2016
JR Gaither, V Shabanova, JM Leventhal
JAMA network open 1 (8), e186558-e186558, 2018
Types and characteristics of ramp-related motor vehicle crashes on urban interstate roadways in Northern Virginia
AT McCartt, VS Northrup, RA Retting
Journal of Safety Research 35 (1), 107-114, 2004
Responsibility of drivers, by age and gender, for motor-vehicle crash deaths
AF Williams, VI Shabanova
Journal of safety research 34 (5), 527-531, 2003
Neonatal sepsis 2004-2013: the rise and fall of coagulase-negative staphylococci
MJ Bizzarro, V Shabanova, RS Baltimore, LM Dembry, RA Ehrenkranz, ...
The Journal of pediatrics 166 (5), 1193-1199, 2015
Similarities and differences in child development from birth to age 3 years by sex and across four countries: a cross-sectional, observational study
IO Ertem, V Krishnamurthy, MC Mulaudzi, Y Sguassero, H Balta, ...
The Lancet Global Health 6 (3), e279-e291, 2018
Factors related to seat belt use among fatally injured teenage drivers
AT McCartt, VS Northrup
Journal of safety research 35 (1), 29-38, 2004
A randomized controlled trial of capnography during sedation in a pediatric emergency setting
ML Langhan, V Shabanova, FY Li, SL Bernstein, ED Shapiro
The American journal of emergency medicine 33 (1), 25-30, 2015
A prediction model to identify febrile infants≤ 60 days at low risk of invasive bacterial infection
PL Aronson, V Shabanova, ED Shapiro, ME Wang, LE Nigrovic, CM Pruitt, ...
Pediatrics 144 (1), 2019
Situational factors in seat belt use by teenage drivers and passengers
AF Williams, VI Shabanova
Traffic Injury Prevention 3 (3), 201-204, 2002
Clinical and laboratory factors that predict death in very low birth weight infants presenting with late-onset sepsis
O Levit, V Bhandari, FY Li, V Shabanova, PG Gallagher, MJ Bizzarro
The Pediatric infectious disease journal 33 (2), 143-146, 2014
Effectiveness of first-line antiretroviral therapy and correlates of longitudinal changes in CD4 and viral load among HIV-infected children in Ghana
O Barry, J Powell, L Renner, EY Bonney, M Prin, W Ampofo, J Kusah, ...
BMC infectious diseases 13, 1-10, 2013
Validation of the International Guide for Monitoring Child Development demonstrates good sensitivity and specificity in four diverse countries
I Ozturk Ertem, V Krishnamurthy, MC Mulaudzi, Y Sguassero, B Bilik, ...
Acta paediatrica 108 (6), 1074-1086, 2019
Parenteral antibiotic therapy duration in young infants with bacteremic urinary tract infections
S Desai, PL Aronson, V Shabanova, MI Neuman, F Balamuth, CM Pruitt, ...
Pediatrics 144 (3), 2019
A low ω-6 to ω-3 PUFA ratio (n–6: N–3 PUFA) diet to treat fatty liver disease in obese youth
MA Van Name, M Savoye, JM Chick, BT Galuppo, AE Feldstein, ...
The Journal of nutrition 150 (9), 2314-2321, 2020
Temporal quantification of oxygen saturation ranges: an effort to reduce hyperoxia in the neonatal intensive care unit
MJ Bizzarro, FY Li, K Katz, V Shabanova, RA Ehrenkranz, V Bhandari
Journal of Perinatology 34 (1), 33-38, 2014
De novo damaging variants associated with congenital heart diseases contribute to the connectome
W Ji, D Ferdman, J Copel, D Scheinost, V Shabanova, M Brueckner, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 7046, 2020
Effect of vitamin D–binding protein genotype on the development of asthma in children
A Navas-Nazario, FY Li, V Shabanova, P Weiss, DEC Cole, TO Carpenter, ...
Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology 112 (6), 519-524, 2014
Evaluation of the repeal of the all-rider motorcycle helmet law in Florida
RG Ulmer, VS Northrup, Preusser Research Group
United States. Department of Transportation. National Highway Traffic Safety …, 2005
Trajectories of changes in glucose tolerance in a multiethnic cohort of obese youths: an observational prospective analysis
A Galderisi, C Giannini, R Weiss, G Kim, V Shabanova, N Santoro, ...
The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health 2 (10), 726-735, 2018
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