Elmar Etzersdorfer
Elmar Etzersdorfer
Furtbachkrankenhaus, Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
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Role of media reports in completed and prevented suicide: Werther v. Papageno effects
T Niederkrotenthaler, M Voracek, A Herberth, B Till, M Strauss, ...
The British Journal of Psychiatry 197 (3), 234-243, 2010
Preventing suicide by influencing mass-media reporting. The Viennese experience 1980–1996
E Etzersdorfer, G Sonneck
Archives of Suicide Research 4 (1), 67-74, 1998
Imitative suicide on the Viennese subway
G Sonneck, E Etzersdorfer, S Nagel-Kuess
Social science & medicine 38 (3), 453-457, 1994
Lithium in drinking water and suicide mortality
ND Kapusta, N Mossaheb, E Etzersdorfer, G Hlavin, K Thau, M Willeit, ...
The British Journal of Psychiatry 198 (5), 346-350, 2011
Declining autopsy rates and suicide misclassification: a cross-national analysis of 35 countries
ND Kapusta, US Tran, IRH Rockett, D De Leo, CPE Naylor, ...
Archives of general psychiatry 68 (10), 1050-1057, 2011
Suizid und Suizidprävention
M Wolfersdorf, E Etzersdorfer
Kohlhammer, 2011
Firearm legislation reform in the European Union: impact on firearm availability, firearm suicide and homicide rates in Austria
ND Kapusta, E Etzersdorfer, C Krall, G Sonneck
The British Journal of Psychiatry 191 (3), 253-257, 2007
Newspaper reports and suicide.
E Etzersdorfer, G Sonneck, S Nagel-Kuess
The New England Journal of Medicine, 1992
A dose-response relationship between imitational suicides and newspaper distribution
E Etzersdorfer, M Voracek, G Sonneck
Archives of Suicide Research 8 (2), 137-145, 2004
Rural− urban differences in Austrian suicides
ND Kapusta, A Zorman, E Etzersdorfer, E Ponocny-Seliger, E Jandl-Jager, ...
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 43, 311-318, 2008
Attitudes towards suicide among medical students: comparison between Madras (India) and Vienna (Austria)
E Etzersdorfer, L Vijayakumar, W Schöny, A Grausgruber, G Sonneck
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 33, 104-110, 1998
Negative effects of a school suicide postvention program—a case example
J Callahan
Crisis 17 (3), 108-115, 1996
Influence of psychotherapist density and antidepressant sales on suicide rates
ND Kapusta, T Niederkrotenthaler, E Etzersdorfer, M Voracek, K Dervic, ...
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 119 (3), 236-242, 2009
Forty years of increasing suicide mortality in Poland: Undercounting amidst a hanging epidemic?
P Höfer, IRH Rockett, P Värnik, E Etzersdorfer, ND Kapusta
BMC public health 12, 1-9, 2012
Epidemiology of suicide in Austria 1990–2000: general decrease, but increased suicide risk for old men
E Etzersdorfer, M Voracek, N Kapusta, G Sonneck
Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 117, 31-35, 2005
A dose–response relationship of imitational suicides with newspaper distribution.
E Etzersdorfer
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 35 (2), 2001
Papageno v Werther effect
T Niederkrotenthaler, M Voracek, A Herberth, B Till, M Strauss, ...
BMJ: British Medical Journal (Online) 341, 2010
Characteristics of police officer suicides in the Federal Austrian Police Corps
ND Kapusta, M Voracek, E Etzersdorfer, T Niederkrotenthaler, K Dervic, ...
Crisis, 2010
Single road traffic deaths—accident or suicide?
JF Connolly, A Cullen, O McTigue
Crisis 16 (2), 85-89, 1995
Trends in suicide rates of the elderly in Austria, 1970–2004: an analysis of changes in terms of age groups, suicide methods and gender
ND Kapusta, E Etzersdorfer, G Sonneck
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry: A journal of the psychiatry …, 2007
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