jan vermaat
jan vermaat
Norges University of Life Sciences
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The empirics of wetland valuation: a comprehensive summary and a meta-analysis of the literature
LM Brander, RJGM Florax, JE Vermaat
Environmental and Resource economics 33, 223-250, 2006
Coastal erosion and mangrove progradation of Southern Thailand
U Thampanya, JE Vermaat, S Sinsakul, N Panapitukkul
Estuarine, coastal and shelf science 68 (1-2), 75-85, 2006
Drivers of wetland conversion: a global meta-analysis
S Asselen, PH Verburg, JE Vermaat, JH Janse
PloS one 8 (11), e81292, 2013
The effect of pH variation at the ammonium/ammonia equilibrium in wastewater and its toxicity to Lemna gibba
S Körner, SK Das, S Veenstra, JE Vermaat
Aquatic botany 71 (1), 71-78, 2001
Reconstruction of seagrass dynamics: age determinations and associated tools for the seagrass ecologist
Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser 107, 195-209, 1994
The relative importance of Lemna gibba L., bacteria and algae for the nitrogen and phosphorus removal in duckweed-covered domestic wastewater
S Körner, JE Vermaat
Water research 32 (12), 3651-3661, 1998
Changes in community structure and biomass of seagrass communities along gradients of siltation in SE Asia
J Terrados, CM Duarte, MD Fortes, J Borum, NSR Agawin, S Bach, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 46 (5), 757-768, 1998
Meadow maintenance, growth and productivity of a mixed Philippine seagrass bed
JE Vermaat, NSR Agawin, CM Duarte, MD Fortes, N Marba, JS Uri
Marine Ecology Progress Series 124, 215-225, 1995
Seasonal variation in the intertidal seagrass Zostera noltii Hornem.: coupling demographic and physiological patterns
JE Vermaat, FCA Verhagen
Aquatic Botany 52 (4), 259-281, 1996
Performance of common duckweed species (Lemnaceae) and the waterfern Azolla filiculoides on different types of waste water
JE Vermaat, MK Hanif
Water research 32 (9), 2569-2576, 1998
Seed-bank development, germination and early seedling survival of two seagrass species from The Netherlands: Zostera marina L. and Zostera noltii Hornem
MJM Hootsmans, JE Vermaat, W Van Vierssen
Aquatic Botany 28 (3-4), 275-285, 1987
The capacity of duckweed to treat wastewater: ecological considerations for a sound design
S Körner, JE Vermaat, S Veenstra
Journal of environmental quality 32 (5), 1583-1590, 2003
Water flow across and sediment trapping in submerged macrophyte beds of contrasting growth form
JE Vermaat, L Santamaria, PJ Roos
Archiv für Hydrobiologie 148 (4), 549-562, 2000
The capacity of seagrasses to survive increased turbidity and siltation: the significance of growth form and light use
JE Vermaat, NSR Agawin, MD Fortes, J Uri, CM Duarte, N Marba, ...
Ambio 26 (8), 499-504, 1997
Importance of sediment deposition and denitrification for nutrient retention in floodplain wetlands
H Olde Venterink, JE Vermaat, M Pronk, F Wiegman, GEM Van Der Lee, ...
Applied Vegetation Science 9 (2), 163-174, 2006
How well do ecosystem indicators communicate the effects of anthropogenic eutrophication?
A McQuatters-Gollop, AJ Gilbert, LD Mee, JE Vermaat, Y Artioli, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 82 (4), 583-596, 2009
Mangroves mitigate tsunami damage: A further response
JE Vermaat, U Thampanya
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 69 (1-2), 1-3, 2006
Handboek Hydrobiologie: biologisch onderzoek voor de ecologische beoordeling van Nederlandse zoete en brakke oppervlaktewateren
R Bijkerk, M Beers
Rapport 2014 2, 2010
Assessing the societal benefits of river restoration using the ecosystem services approach
JE Vermaat, AJ Wagtendonk, R Brouwer, O Sheremet, E Ansink, ...
Hydrobiologia 769, 121-135, 2016
Human deforestation outweighs future climate change impacts of sedimentation on coral reefs
J Maina, H De Moel, J Zinke, J Madin, T McClanahan, JE Vermaat
Nature communications 4 (1), 1-7, 2013
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