Maximilian Heinrich-Wilhelm Schmidt
Maximilian Heinrich-Wilhelm Schmidt
Institut für Rebenzüchtung Hochschule Geisenheim
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De Novo Assembly of a New Solanum pennellii Accession Using Nanopore Sequencing
MHW Schmidt, A Vogel, AK Denton, B Istace, A Wormit, H van de Geest, ...
The Plant Cell 29 (10), 2336-2348, 2017
Genome assembly of wild tea tree DASZ reveals pedigree and selection history of tea varieties
W Zhang, Y Zhang, H Qiu, Y Guo, H Wan, X Zhang, F Scossa, S Alseekh, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 3719, 2020
Footprints of parasitism in the genome of the parasitic flowering plant Cuscuta campestris
A Vogel, R Schwacke, AK Denton, B Usadel, J Hollmann, K Fischer, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2515, 2018
MUCILAGE-RELATED10 produces galactoglucomannan that maintains pectin and cellulose architecture in Arabidopsis seed mucilage
C Voiniciuc, MHW Schmidt, A Berger, B Yang, B Ebert, HV Scheller, ...
Plant Physiology 169 (1), 403-420, 2015
Starting to gel: how Arabidopsis seed coat epidermal cells produce specialized secondary cell walls
C Voiniciuc, B Yang, MHW Schmidt, M Günl, B Usadel
International journal of molecular sciences 16 (2), 3452-3473, 2015
Highly branched xylan made by IRREGULAR XYLEM14 and MUCILAGE-RELATED21 links mucilage to Arabidopsis seeds
C Voiniciuc, M Günl, MHW Schmidt, B Usadel
Plant physiology 169 (4), 2481-2495, 2015
Oxford Nanopore sequencing: new opportunities for plant genomics?
K Dumschott, MHW Schmidt, HS Chawla, R Snowdon, B Usadel
Journal of Experimental Botany 71 (18), 5313-5322, 2020
Identification of key enzymes for pectin synthesis in seed mucilage
C Voiniciuc, KA Engle, M Günl, S Dieluweit, MHW Schmidt, JY Yang, ...
Plant Physiology 178 (3), 1045-1064, 2018
SILEX: a fast and inexpensive high-quality DNA extraction method suitable for multiple sequencing platforms and recalcitrant plant species
S Vilanova, D Alonso, P Gramazio, M Plazas, E García-Fortea, P Ferrante, ...
Plant Methods 16, 1-11, 2020
A chromosome scale tomato genome built from complementary PacBio and Nanopore sequences alone reveals extensive linkage drag during breeding
WMJ van Rengs, MHW Schmidt, S Effgen, DB Le, Y Wang, MWAM Zaidan, ...
The Plant Journal 110 (2), 572-588, 2022
Extensive natural variation in Arabidopsis seed mucilage structure
C Voiniciuc, E Zimmermann, MHW Schmidt, M Günl, L Fu, HM North, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 803, 2016
The genome and metabolome of the tobacco tree, Nicotiana glauca: a potential renewable feedstock for the bioeconomy
B Usade, T Tohge, F Scossa, N Sierro, M Schmidt, A Vogel, A Bolger, ...
bioRxiv, 351429, 2018
Reconstructing the Gigabase Plant Genome of Solanum pennellii using Nanopore Sequencing
MHW Schmidt, A Vogel, AK Denton, B Istace, A Wormit, H van de Geest, ...
bioRxiv, 129148, 2017
A gap-free tomato genome built from complementary PacBio and nanopore long DNA sequences reveals extensive linkage drag during breeding
WMJ van Rengs, MHW Schmidt, S Effgen, Y Wang, MWAM Zaidan, ...
BioRxiv, 2021.08. 30.456472, 2021
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