Tamara Schamberger
Tamara Schamberger
Bielefeld University, University of Twente
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Robust partial least squares path modeling
T Schamberger, F Schuberth, J Henseler, TK Dijkstra
Behaviormetrika 47 (1), 307-334, 2020
The choice of structural equation modeling technique matters: A commentary on Dash and Paul (2021)
F Schuberth, G Hubona, E Roemer, S Zaza, T Schamberger, F Chuah, ...
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 194, 122665, 2023
Confirmatory composite analysis in human development research
T Schamberger, F Schuberth, J Henseler
International journal of behavioral development, 2022
Conducting Monte Carlo simulations with PLS-PM and other variance-based estimators for structural equation models: a tutorial using the R package cSEM
T Schamberger
Industrial Management & Data Systems 123 (6), 1789-1813, 2023
More powerful parameter tests? No, rather biased parameter estimates. Some reflections on path analysis with weighted composites
F Schuberth, T Schamberger, J Henseler
Behavior research methods, 1-11, 2023
Premature conclusions about the signal‐to‐noise ratio in structural equation modeling research: A commentary on Yuan and Fang (2023)
F Schuberth, T Schamberger, M Rönkkö, Y Liu, J Henseler
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 2023
Revisiting and Extending PLS for Ordinal Measurement and Prediction
T Schamberger, G Cantaluppi, F Schuberth
Partial Least Squares Path Modeling: Basic Concepts, Methodological Issues …, 2023
Methodological Advances in Composite-based Structural Equation Modeling
T Schamberger
Universität Würzburg, University of Twente, 2022
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